Sunday, January 26, 2025

 Templeton Center fire station is/would be a great place to have office for town emergency management and for CERT to work out of.

If anyone looks at deed / transfer paperwork involving the Templeton Senior Center, one will find it is "zoned" if you will, for senior services only.
Just like some areas of town are zoned for residential only, so is the senior center. It is for Seniors, not to be used as a "utility closet" because of bad financial management by town administrator and selectmen. We selectmen screw up enough, it needs to stop.


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Question for you related to the above comment.
    If senior Center is "zoned" for Seniors only, how come Parks and Recreation are located in the building.

    I agree that due to stupidity, which is what I call devising a plan to spend $3,000,000 o repair an old fire station in the center of Baldwinville to store some equipment for a volunteer group.

    This entire process was led by a member of the Historical Society/Cert team and followed and rationalized by the Admministration. Now that it has been deemed unaffordable due to overpsending of CPC funds to support school usage of Recreational fields ( that school has no business or right to use without a fee) they want to use another Town Building.

    A complete lack of top down managing causes this chaos.

    This lack of plannning is why East Templeton and templeton have first responders service rather than ALS ambulance service which only Baldwinville has.

    If we move Cert into Center fire station we are not going to be able to carry excess equipment, i.e more fire vehicles that other larger towns and cities locally.

  2. CERT and EMD in Templeton Center fire station as office only, equipment can stay in a cold storage building with no water or heat, same as highway building has cold storage.

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Jeff, would any EMD equipmenet still be stored at Old fire station in baldwinville?

    What happened that they can no longer use ethe upstairs of thaat buildidng for EMD office?

  4. It is interesting that considering the Baldwiville Fire Station is in ,flood zone, anyone would consider using that for anything of importance. In the flood of 1938, the front corner of the building was torn off by the water. So, as far as I know, CERT members were the old Rescue Square members. I looked on the Town Website for the number of members they have, or even if they are a real committee. I found nothing ! I do mean nothing. No sign they have a budget ! So, how does our Town Administrator get off giving them Town owned equipment ?
