Friday, January 10, 2020

Sewer Collections will move to Templeton Town Hall.
Town Administrator Carter Terenzini in conjunction with the Sewer Commissioners announced that the Sewer collections will move from the Sewer Department to the Treasurer/Collector’s office in Templeton Town Hall at 160 Patriots Road, Rm 2. effective immediately. The Hours of Operation for the Treasurer/Collector are Monday from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm and Tuesday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm being closed on Friday. After hour payments (checks only please, in an envelope) may be dropped in the box outside of Town Hall. Bills may also be paid online by going to the Town's home page ( and clicking on Pay Bills Online, then Sewer.

The bills used to be collected in the Sewer Department itself, but Selectmen worked with the Sewer Commissioners to make the move to the town’s Treasurer/Collector in Town Hall. Officials have worked on this plan since about 2009 when the Department of Revenue and different auditors recommended the change. Assistant Town Administrator Adam Lamontagne, said “We are proud of the collaborative approach between the Selectmen’s office, Treasurer/Collector’s office and the Sewer Department to make this a reality.”