from minutes of 10/11/2016 - board of selectmen
Present: John Caplis, Diane Brooks, Doug Morrison, John Columbus as well as Carter Terenzini/town administrator
h) Action RE: Codification of Ordinances~ Ms. Haley Brooks made a motion to move forward with the codification of the bylaws with Unicode and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the contract. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The vote was 4 yes.
from minutes of 11/14/2016 - board of selectmen
Present: John Caplis, Diane Brooks, Doug Morrison, John Columbus , Julie Richard as well as Carter Terenzini/town administrator.
3. Minutes ~ Ms. Haley Brooks made a motion to approve the minutes of 10.11.16. Ms. Richard seconded the motion. The vote was 5 yes. Ms. Haley Brooks made a motion to approve the minutes of 10.24.16. Ms. Richard seconded the motion. The vote was 5 yes.
When questioned, Town Administrator Carter Terenzini responded as:
- Yes; In error, Ms. Haley Brooks motioned for Unicode and no-one caught it at the time. However, the paperwork forming the submission was for General Code;
So, the selectmen voted to have a contract signed by the chairman of the board of selectmen with unicode, but the chair signed a contract with a different firm. Since that is not what the board voted on, is that contract valid? Town Administrator is the chief procurement officer for Templeton.
Well, who knows, the selectmen still maintain they were correct in asking for money to buy a dump body for a 1984 Mack ten wheeler and then said they thought it best to buy a new dump truck with, ignoring a town meeting vote. Again, stop trying to manage the Advisory Committee and the Sewer department and get your house in order. Read and discuss, check what you are voting on and more importantly, do the right thing.