A face book post by a Templeton resident, who may not be alone in their thoughts.
"Long meeting. So apparently the chair and the co-chair think they are the selectboard as a whole. It was the right thing for Currie to resign as chair. Now I think the co-chair should also resign. Since the two of them have been making decisions, seeking legal counsel prior to even telling the rest of the board. Currie refused to answer Jeffs questions about the complaint was it verbal, was it an email. What was the complaint. It was silence, I mean besides for saying he did feel like he did no wrong. Also listen to the taxpayers and stop just offering people promotions. We need a qualified with experience town administrator. This let's just keep promoting administrative assistant to new roles without putting out the job posting is the nepotism people are talking about. Also, no talk about how to deal with a regional school district with no legal regional agreement. This school system is too expensive on the taxpayers. 7 percent every year is not affordable. I've been saying that since 2018. We need an adhoc to look at cost comparison for the taxpayers, in regard to the school system. So, 2019 the selectmen ignored a vote and letter, from the then advisory board, stating we should have cost comparison that we can't afford these increases. We just lost a town administrator over the same issue. This is ridiculous. By the way selectmen you were elected to micromanage the taxpayer's money. You were not elected to go to bat for a regional school system which is a separate entity that simply currently educates the students with our tax money."