TO: Board of Selectmen
FROM: Carter Terenzini, Town Administrator
RE: Administrator’s Weekly Report
DATE: January 17, 2019
CC: All Departments
5. e. As laid out in the attached memo from Adam, and after discussions with the TA in Phillipston, he and I would like to propose an application to the Community Compact Program to explore what elements of the Fire/EMS service -if any - might be shared between us. By viewing the service area as a larger entity, we may be able to provide a more robust and costefficient service to both communities. In addition, this study would look at the current practices of our two departments to identify opportunity for improvements and best practices we should adopt. We anticipate the grant request to be $27,500+/- with a consultant to be chosen jointly between the two towns. If you approve this application, we will forward your approval to the Phillipston BoS for their formal approval.
from a report by Fox 25 News

In the small Worcester County town of Phillipston, tensions between the town and the fire department have simmered below the surface for years.
But, a recent claim of sexual harassment against the captain ignited old animosities and factions and led nearly a third of the department’s force to resign in a matter of weeks.
Since early December seven of the town’s fire department personnel, including six firefighters and EMTs, turned in resignation letters, citing concerns that range from lack of leadership to fearing for their safety.
A review of those letters reveals a work environment that some characterized as “unprofessional” and “hostile,” particularly toward the female members of the department.
25 Investigates sat down for on-camera interviews with five of the individuals who resigned. A woman who asked not to be identified spoke to us by phone. All described a toxic situation inside the department and they point the finger at captain John Seamon Jr.,
Perhaps rather than looking to Phillipston, Templeton Selectmen should be looking within and consider if this could happen in Templeton; who and how would they handle it?