Sunday, March 2, 2025

 General Laws Chapter 55 governs the raising and spending of money for ballot questions as well as political candidates. The law also regulates the conduct of public officials and employees undertaking campaign finance activities. In general, the law regulates conduct not speech. Thus, while local officials can take a position on an override or exclusion question and speak in favor of or in opposition to it, they cannot spend public funds or use public resources, such as personnel, supplies and facilities, to promote or oppose the question

 Have questions about the school budget? This is your chance to have your voice heard and learn more about the budgeting needs of the district.

We look forward to seeing you.
Thursday, March 6 at 5:30 in the KIVA (NRHS)
This is the official preliminary budget hearing.
Thursday, March 20 at 5:30 in the KIVA (NRHS)
This is the official budget hearing, including vote by School Committee members.
All registered voters in Templeton and Phillipston get a vote in how town funds are spent and it’s important for your voices to be heard! Please join us!