WTF?? question one on the ballot for Templeton May 7, 2018 election.
Shall the Town of Templeton be allowed to assess an additional $470,246.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of protection the public safety including the provision of fire services, advanced life support ambulance service, additional training of police officers beyond state minimums, a community notification system, supplemental funding of the highway and snow and ice budgets and the associated costs of insurance and benefit programs for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018.
Here I thought the selectmen said it was for ambulance service.
What about the $40,000.00 in raises? If the Town is hurting that bad financially, why not level fund and avoid raises this year. Selectmen need to be management and look out for the whole Town.
What about the $40,000.00 in raises? If the Town is hurting that bad financially, why not level fund and avoid raises this year. Selectmen need to be management and look out for the whole Town.
Seems like few if any current selectmen have learned from past mistakes. Just like not having a stand alone Town Meeting article concerning ambulance receipts appropriation, this override is hard to support as written and presented.
I guess the current selectmen don't have the moxy to tell people we do not have enough of your money to run the government the way we wish to so give us some more. They have to put it on "public safety" and the Ambulance service (because that way, it might pass) My thoughts on Town ambulance service have been put forward many times, but even I see this approach as an unfair, cowardly approach. Also, put the spot light on ambulance service and then slide this other stuff in there too.
A stand alone question for override for ambulance service is one thing, but this question is going to be hard to support.