Sunday, December 30, 2018

Consistent inconsistency:
Monday, December 24, 2018, page A11, senior news, Templeton; Community veterans oversight board along with friends of Templeton veterans meets every fourth Thursday of the month at the American Legion in Baldwinville, at 6:30 P.M. to discuss veteran issues. Today, Sunday, December 30, 2018, on Templeton community TV, I saw Templeton veterans advisory board meets every third Tuesday at the American Legion, Baldwinville, at 6:30 P.M. There have been no meeting notices on the Templeton town website for this entity, nothing listed under boards and committees; veterans advisory board on the Templeton town website, only one member name is listed. Nothing under the Veterans Service on Templeton town website.
So, which is it and who is in charge? By-law states the selectmen are to appoint members to this board. I found nothing under Massachusetts General Law, chapter 115 that demands this board exist, rather it may be formed. The old Templeton town by-law stated this board was required under MGL chapter 115, section 208. I looked at MGL chapter 115 and found only 15 sections. Perhaps the wrong general law was quoted in the previous by-law, that according to voters guide (how reliable?) that the MA attorney general found issues with that previous by-law. Something as important as this, veterans, should be on the "radar" of the selectmen! Of course, it might take too much time at a meeting.