Monday, December 24, 2018

a notation on the red line draft of codification of by-laws: interesting.

Comment [KS4]: 59-5 [Sick Leave for FullTime Employees] deleted in its entirety because it conflicts with the personnel bylaw. The substance of the bylaw will be captured in Town policies. 59-6 [Compensation to Incapacitated Firefighters and Rescue Squad Personnel] deleted in its entirety because its terms are set by state statute and the bylaw redundant.

Current personnel by-law states:

The Board of Selectmen is responsible for the administration of all personnel policies and procedures. Passed 5-10-05, Amended 5-9-06, Amended 5-20-13, Approved by A/G 8-22-13

So, does the current personnel policy, including changes to sick time, constitute a violation of by-laws on the part of selectmen? Is that a reason for recall of selectmen?

Another Templeton by-law:
Veterans Advisory Board
Section 3. Purpose
The Board shall meet no less than quarterly to consider matters brought to its attention by the Town’s Veterans Services Officer, other Town Officers or employees, the general populace and of its own initiative pertaining to the health and well-being of the Town’s veterans.
Section 4. Report
The Committee shall annually file a report on its work, to include such recommendations as it deems worthy of consideration, with the Board of Selectmen in December of each year.
Passed 5/19/18, Approve by A/G 8/3/18
There is no record of a posted meeting on the Town website for this fiscal year. The board of selectmen appoint members to this entity, but the town website shows only one person appointed to the veterans advisory board.
More by-laws not being followed? Again, perhaps the selectmen are too focused on trying to manage the Advisory Committee and neglecting their real duties.