Monday, September 19, 2016

Reversing course and perhaps bringing back the same auditing firm, so there will be no new eyes on Templeton finance! That is my opinion after reading an article in the Gardner news today, Monday, September 19, 2016.

Cost is now being injected into the conversation of audits, because apparently the information from past interim town administrator Bob Markel was less than accurate. Right up there with the 2017 budget, so called. In past years, a report from auditors was always done at a public meeting and I will be looking for any emails concerning past audit request for a meeting that they say was refused. Since there are records out there of problems with other towns who used Heath Melanson as an audit firm, I would suggest they should be the last ones to use in these next set of audits. I would also suggest that the selectmen should not be the ones choosing an audit firm, since audits check work done or signed off by the BOS. Selectmen hire town administrator, hire or appoint treasurer, collector and accountant and approve their work by signing off on warrant each week and approve their work and performance by re appointing them when time arrives. Why should selectmen hire auditors to check that work? In my opinion, there seems to be an indication that the selectmen are going to backtrack and bring back an old audit firm and there will be no new eyes on Templeton finance.

from the audit firm of CliftonLarson Allen:

Fees Assuming the audit includes the audit of one (1) major federal grant, our fee for these services will be $28,500 for fiscal year 2013. If an additional grant(s) is required to be audited under the requirements of OMB Circular A-133, we will issue a change order for $5,500 (per grant) to audit the applicable program(s). Our fee above includes all out-of-pocket costs, such as report reproduction, typing, postage, travel, copies, telephone, etc. If unexpected circumstances require significant additional time, we will advise you before undertaking work that would require a substantial increase in the fee estimate. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. In accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 30 days or more overdue and will not be resumed until your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed even if we have not issued our reports. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-pocket expenditures through the date of termination,
dated April 28, 2016.

email from Bob Markel to selectmen dated April 29, 2016:

All - 
I received a call from Matt Hunt of CliftonLarsonAllen, our auditing firm, regarding a Single Audit for Fiscal 2013.  In the spring of 2014, they gave me a quote for conducting audits for Fiscal 2014 and 2015.  Later, we added Fiscal 2013 to the list following a recommendation from bond counsel and the DOR.  Neither they nor I knew that the Town had expended CDBG monies exceeding $500,000 in FY'13.  
We are required to do a Single Audit for FY'13, and this has added to the cost.  I recommend that we pay the additional cost from the $27,000 in surplus funds that is scheduled for transfer into the BoS expenses budget in the FY'16 Financial Transfer article.  
Robert T. Markel
Interim Town Administrator
Town of Templeton
160 Patriots Road
East Templeton, MA 01438

selecmen already knew it was going to cost more than they originally expected or were told. Again, it is my opinion that this is opening the door so the "old" audit firm can be used so no "new" eyes on Templeton finance. The library logging fiasco again shows the need for a new set of eyes on Templeton finance.

This is my personal opinion. posted by Jeff Bennett

I will fight for any and all rights under the Bill of Rights!
So the Town is looking at ways to make a BAN (bond anticipation note) or short term borrowing, for the school. This is added cost for such projects and folks such as selectmen Brooks can say what they wish, but the fact is, there was much misinformation or left out information just to get a yes school vote, in my opinion. There is also an issue with the Templeton library selling timber without following correct process. This has come about by the effort of one Town resident in particular. This is someone who serves on an appointed board or committee, criticizing the Town, which could be taken as violating the current draft social media policy. I believe people should look at the Bill of Rights and then look into the state entity of MCAD. There are things such as whistle blower and retaliation that are protected items of "behavior" Of course, unless MCAD is retaliating against you for firing someone, then they hit you back.

The library logging item is perhaps the latest and best example of a Town that is still to compartmentalized and not really operating as one entity, because in my opinion, there is still to much "empire" building.

posted by Jeff Bennett