Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Quid pro quo:
Page 187 of the 2020 budget/legislative package as seen on Templeton Town website:
As many of you remember, Senator Brewer helped us secure $300,000.00 towards completion of the building in exchange for the building being named in his honor. He has asked on many occasions if we still plan to name the building after him so it will be named Senator Stephen Brewer Templeton Senior Community Center.
So let us get this straight; Brewer used his position as a state senator to divert or direct 300K of tax payer money (some of which naturally came from Templeton residents) and in order for that to happen, he requested "payment" in the form of the building being named after him? Is that not called bribery and is that against the law? Is that ethical? Is that what you want from elected state representatives paid with your tax dollars?