Oddity in Templeton, Looking at the warrant for the Special Town Meeting on March 21, 2016, the first article bothers me in technicality so I emailed the entire warrant to Templeton Town counsel. I stated I had concerns with the first article concerning the water dept. I was informed that he had not seen any of this. So apparently, Templeton Town counsel was not consulted on these matters. The answer Town Counsel received from the Town Administrator was he was trying to save money and since bond counsel had already looked at these, he (T/A) saw no reason to involve two attorneys. The question is what bond counsel was the town administrator talking about, Templeton Bond Counsel or the one hired by the water dept. to write an article to allow them to borrow money or rather the taxpayers borrow and the water customers paying back. To be sure, I have no authority to ask legal counsel for the Town of Templeton to do anything and I did not, I merely asked if he had seen the warrant articles. I have been told that now the Templeton town administrator has "invited" Templeton Town Counsel to attend this meeting. Since Templeton municipal water dept. is paying for this meeting, send them the entire bill to include cost of Templeton Town Counsel. We are talking about over a million dollars here. Again, this is not about the project, it is about the details. Templeton is already being asked to re-vote one article because of failure of Town officials to do diligence on behalf of the taxpayers. One would think they have learned the lesson?
Jeff Bennett