The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, November 12th, voted to implement the following Town Office business hours, effective next week, MONDAY, November 18, 2013.
Offices at 690 patriot’s Road, except the Planning Office: Monday 7am to 3pm, Tuesday 7am to 7pm, Wednesday 7am to 5pm and Thursday 7am to 5pm. Closed Friday. Planning will maintain its current office hours of 7:30am to 1:30pm Monday to Thursday.
Offices at 2 School Street except, Fire and Building Department: Monday 7am to 3pm, Tuesday 7am to 7pm, Wednesday 7am to 5pm and Thursday 7am to 5pm. Closed Friday. Building Department Office Hours: 7am to 2pm Monday-Thursday and 5pm to 7pm Tuesday. Building Inspector Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7am to 12 noon and Tuesday 2pm to 7pm.
Town Clerk’s Office: 7:30am to 3pm Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 7:30am to 7pm Tuesday.
Council on Aging: Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 8am to 4pm and Tuesday 8am to 7pm.
Boynton Library: Monday and Thursday 12 noon to 7pm, Wednesday 9am to 5pm, Saturday 11:30am to 2:30pm.
Police, Fire, Cemetery, Sewer and Highway Department: Monday-Friday 7am to 3pm and any other hours by appointment (or through the dispatch non-emergency number).
The total hours for each full time employee is now restored to 40 hours per week, or to your prior part time complement of hours, effective Monday, November 18th. Please mark your time sheets accordingly.
Very Sincerely Yours,
Jeffrey W. Ritter
Town Coordinator
Town of Templeton
posted by Jeff Bennett