Friday, September 29, 2023

 Tired of water main breaks, tired of bad roads, tired of no sidewalks, tired of water coming onto your property? Look to Templeton town administrator who wants more discretionary money while putting less money into stabilization funds designed to help pay for drainage, sidewalks, upkeep of town builds (that you own) replacement of town vehicles and water main replacement. The town administrator first choice is to have more money to fund his projects and less money to serve the people, as in the residents. Selectman Richard wants citizen input at selectmen meetings to move to the end of the meetings rather than the first part of meetings. Thes things demonstrate where the priorities of your representatives are, them first and you last. The only real way we residents have to counter this action is to go to town meeting and deny these financial requests. Town meeting does not have to vote in favor of one item on warrant of a town meeting. Town meeting can vote to pass over any item, including a town budget and tell selectmen to bring back a better one. It is the only way to hold them accountable for all of their actions or lack thereof. You must attend town meeting to have a say!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

 Right now I am in contact with NRSD super Chris Casavant concerning the yearly Veterans Day ( I am assuming it will be done again this year as it has been a yearly thing for quite a while) project done by Ms. Lisa Damon and her 5th grade class. Details still in process but if this happens, it would be neat to have more Veterans there this year than last year (11) if anyone who is a Veteran and would like to thank the kids (it is an awesome thing in my opinion) you can message me and/or watch this face book page as well as my blog.

Friday, September 22, 2023

 Templeton voters have to be nutz to approve 5 grand for a late bill, when a bill for any amount for street lighting was never sent and no amount was included in the FY budget and I have emails to prove this.

Light dept. did not include street lighting cost to town so why should town (taxpayers/residents?) pay a bill they never received. Better yet, how does a town administrator call it a late bill? There was no appropriation by town meeting for street lighting because light dept. did not include that in their expense request for lighting of town buildings, etc.

From: Adam D. Lamontagne <>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 4:17 PM
To: John Driscoll <>
Cc: Jennifer Belliveau <>; Szocik, Bob <>
Subject: RE: FY2023 Town Street & Municipal Lighting Invoice
Hi John,
Had a chance to speak with Bob S. We put the electricity costs for the buildings at 100% but didn’t put in the street lights for FY ‘23. Bob recommended to me that we add $15,699 for municipal street lights in his budget for FY ’24. Apologize for my late response.

Why do residents aways have to pay for town employee screwups? How about the selectmen holding someone accountable. A dept. manager screwed up and did not submit an invoice or expense request for street lighting and nothing was put in budget, so how does anyone call it a late bill/ Let the light dept. eat the costs and perhaps that would be a reminder to do the job and check everything before submitting budget requests. Selectmen, hold someone accountable for a change.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

 FM: Jeff Bennett

  • Adam D. Lamontagne;
  • AdvisoryCommittee Templeton;
  • Currie, Michael;
  • Rivard, Matthew;
  • Toth, Timothy;
  • Griffis, Terry;
  • Richard, Julie
Thu 9/21/2023 8:12 AM
Looking at work sheet for free cash from DLS/DOR, one can see Templeton undesignated fund balance began at $1,502,631.00 and after all deficits, receivables and overdrawn accounts were subtracted (paid out of free cash/undesignated fund balance) the town ends up with net free cash of $674,546.00. If the town administrator thinks that is good budgeting, I would hate to see what he considers bad budgeting. Poor money management cost residents a bit over 800 thousand dollars. Nice job everyone.
Jeff Bennett

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

 May 10, 2023, Templeton annual town meeting, article 16 - CPC funding reclaiming and fence tennis courts at Gilman Waite field, appropriation voted by town meeting, $139,500.00. Bid for the work was opened August 30, 2023, $178,500.00, so the Advisory Committee has agenda item for meeting this Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. - reserve fund request from parks & rec. July 2023 (FY24) monthly report from accountant shows reserve fund balance at $47,500.00. We (the town) are still in the first quarter and already going after monies from reserve fund, and it would have to be $39,000.00 to make up the short fall to pay for the project. If the transfer were to be approved and contract awarded, would the work be complete before winter, would the company be able to do the project this late in the year (I would assume they have other work already) so if the project is put off until next year, would that bid figure hold? In my humble opinion, it would be irresponsible to use the reserve fund for tis project, as it would be overriding town meeting vote, which if one looks at the ATFC handbook, it states the reserve fund is not for that (overriding town meeting vote) This needs to go back to town meeting and ask them to amend their vote and put a new dollar figure in front of them. If this is the town administrator approach to town budgeting, we need a new TA.

from the handbook that is put together by the ATFC (association town finance committees) which is what the Advisory Committee is in Templeton: to provide for urgent or unforeseen expenditures
that could not have been anticipated before town
meeting; and/or;
• to allow immediate expenditures of funds in the event of an emergency (threat to public safety or health)
when the delay of having to call a special town
meeting could be potentially harmful.
In either case, the finance committee must approve
all proposed transfers from a reserve fund. It is also
understood that a reserve fund should not be to reverse a vote of town meeting or as a “backdoor” means of increasing the budget. Finance committees should adopt their own reserve fund guidelines to supplement the state statute, and should help other town officials gain a better understanding of appropriate uses of a
reserve fund.

$40,000.00 is a substantial amount of tax dollars, this belongs in front of town meeting. The difference between appropriation and the bid received is $39,000.00 and if 39K is taken from town reserve fund at this time, it would leave $8,500.00 for use in any emergency for the rest of the FY, until June 30, 2024.

Monday, September 18, 2023

 Perhaps the Templeton Town Administrator does not really know what he is doing.

There should come a time when some employees are held accountable by their boss. the select board.
Another town bylaw violated by the selectmen.
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, this § 133-6 of the bylaws may be enforced by the Animal Control Officer, or any police officer of the Town, or the Board, through any means available in law or equity, including but not limited to criminal indictment in accordance with MGL c. 40, § 21, noncriminal disposition in accordance with MGL c. 40, § 21D and Subsection E of this section and, in instances of a violation of a nuisance dog or dangerous dog order issued pursuant to MGL c. 140, § 157, in accordance with MGL c. 140, § 157A, as may be amended from time to time.
The selectmen meeting agendas stated MGL chapter 140, section 146, rather than MGl chapter 140, section 157. Intent met, I don't think so.

Might be time for some employees to go and time to hire a new lawyer.

Friday, September 15, 2023

 Templeton residents need to become involved, as in We the People!

A classic example of bad bylaw:

Town bylaw, chapter 47-4 (legal affairs, town counsel) select board is responsible for legal affairs and that includes appointing town counsel annually in June. The boards own minutes show they violated that bylaw by appointing town counsel in July (July 12, 2023) non criminal disposition bylaw, chapter 1, article II, subsections 1-7 / schedule of civil assessments, B - select board, 

A violation of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Select Board:
Fine allowed: $300.
Fine schedule: as established in rules and regulations.
Enforcing agent: Select Board or designee.
So if the select board is the offender and they are essentially, the judge and jury, how does that work? 

Town meeting can punish them by removing their pay. Town meeting can reject their budget. Town meeting can override the amounts they might propose to use to fund various town funds, as in town meeting could put more money away and give them less discretionary money to play with. It is the best card residents have to play.

 Email back and forth from Jeff Bennett to Town Admin and selectmen and police chief.

From: jeff bennett <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 1:16 AM
To: Adam D. Lamontagne <>; Currie, Michael <>; Rivard, Matthew <>; Griffis, Terry <>; Toth, Timothy <>; Bennett, Mike <>
Subject: select board dog hearing


Wednesday, September 13, 2023, select board held a hearing which involved determine whether a dog was a nuisance or dangerous dog and there was a lawyer for town present, 2 police officers and animal control officer. The agenda lists the basis for the hearing as MGL chapter 140 section 146. My concern is does anyone read the law or check what is being used to hold such a hearing? Do the police and the animal control officer know the law which they are there for?

Section 146 deals with "a license valid throughout state; removal of dog into another town or city, whereas section 157 deals with nuisance or dangerous dogs; orders for remedial action; appeal; violation of order. I have to wonder if any order to the owner of said dog is valid when the wrong section of the law was used to prosecute a resident? 



Jeff Bennett

From: Adam D. Lamontagne <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 2:50 PM
To: jeff bennett <>; Currie, Michael <>; Rivard, Matthew <>; Griffis, Terry <>; Toth, Timothy <>; Bennett, Mike <>
Subject: RE: select board dog hearing

Dear Jeff,


Thank you for pointing out that scrivener’s error.  Rest assured that the notice sent to the dog’s owner correctly referenced the law and the Board’s actions will be valid. 


Adam D. Lamontagne, MPA, MCPPO

Town Administrator

From: jeff bennett <>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 4:27 AM
To: Adam D. Lamontagne <>; Currie, Michael <>; Rivard, Matthew <>; Griffis, Terry <>; Toth, Timothy <>; Bennett, Mike <>
Subject: Re: select board dog hearing
The scrivener's error?? Just who is responsible for creating the agenda for select board meetings, key word, responsible, as in it is possible to delegate authority but not responsibility, anyone who has served in military knows that one. Fact, in the select board operating procedures policy, page 2,it very clearly states "B. Preparation of Meeting Agenda & Packet: The Town Administrator shall cause the preparation of meeting agendas, in consultation with the Chair, and information packets and shall make the requirements thereof known to persons who may have business before the Board." So do not go giving me a scriven made an error, it falls on the town administrator and the chair and since you all failed again, you should at least own up to it. With all of your education, you should be able to admit you all goofed again. It is a pattern that is so obvious. As for Harrington, his firm and your lawyer, wrong again!

Jeff Bennett

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 From: jeff bennett <>

Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 6:12 AMTo: Bennett, Mike <>Subject: non criminal disposition
Good day, i have a law enforcement question; Templeton has a number of bylaws with fines in place and we have non criminal disposition means of further enforcement. My question is if proof exists that a bylaw was violated and there is a fine listed but the party ignores the fine, would it be proper procedure for a resident to file a police report so as to pursue collection of money owed the town? According to town bylaws, the party responsible for enforcing bylaw is not the police department but ignoring the fine, would that constitute criminal or non criminal behavior that would become the business of law enforcement?
Jeff Bennett

 September 13, 2023, a dog hearing is scheduled for selectmen meeting, how can selectmen with a straight face have a hearing to decide if a dog and/or owner violated or did not follow a town bylaw when the selectmen and other town officials do not follow the town bylaws themselves. Town bylaw states the selectmen shall appoint a town counsel in June, yet the chair and the town administrator waited until July to appoint town counsel. This means they either do not know the bylaws or chose to ignore them. Since the selectmen are law breakers themselves, they have no right to sit in judgment of anyone else, so I hope they do not bring up town bylaws and by not following the bylaw, nor their own policy, they need to pay up the $300.00 per selectman fine, that is another town bylaw under non-criminal disposition.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

 On face book there is a letter from the Templeton fire department union ( I think 4 members) the letter talks about union declining a bonus from arpa money, but then suggests the department could use some arpa money for ems things. So, to members of the union, there is a thing called ambulance receipts, which is money collected to cover costs of ems service. Town meeting was told the ambulance service would pay for itself. The department chose a new tanker over replacing the 2014 ambulance. July monthly expenditure report shows a balance of $7,000.00 in fire/ems donation fund and $961,000.00 balance in ambulance receipts. Fy2024 Ambulance/EMS budget voted at town meeting is $534.500.00 while the FY2023 ambulance/EMS budget was $290,250.00 - almost 100% increase in ambulance funding from fy23 to fy24. EMS does not require any arpa money.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

 An insult to the residents of Templeton.

Employees of the Templeton municipal light & water dept. along many other departments are asking for premium pay for working during covid. While many important things to benefit residents remain on a to do list. Employees wanting to suck up arpa funds is a joke in my opinion. One of the purposes for arpa funds is to replace lost revenue due to covid. Best of my knowledge, no government employee lost a cent in pay, lost no job, lost no benefit, tax money still rolled in being paid by people who actually lost work time, lost jobs and had to pay more for things while supporting the government and its employees. Suddenly to collect extra money, the light and water dept. suddenly say they are part of the town.

 The pavement has been put down and concrete blocks are in place, just waiting on the carpentry part to be completed for the resident salt/sand shed at highway barn. This shed will allow residents to get sand/salt from highway barn without having to dig thru snow. That is a project brought forward and pushed for by former selectman Jeff Bennett to be a small benefit for the residents of Templeton. Thank You to Fischett construction for offering free time and labor to get the carpentry part completed.

 BULLETIN-2023-5: Tax Title Foreclosure Surplus Proceeds

The Division of Local Services (DLS) Municipal Finance Law Bureau (MFLB) has a new Bulletin. Bulletin 2023-5 discuss a recently decided United States Supreme Court case, Tyler v. Hennepin County, 598 U.S. 631 (2023). As a result of that decision, there is uncertainty as to whether or not tax title foreclosure surplus proceeds will need to be returned to property owners. The Bulletin notes that DLS will not object to a community temporarily holding any such surplus proceeds in an agency account until there is a directive from the courts on this matter.

Monday, September 4, 2023

 Templeton Town bylaws.

[Amended 8-31-1978]
The Board shall annually in June appoint a Town Counsel, who is a member of the bar in good standing, to serve for the term of one year from the first day of July following and until his successor is appointed and enters upon the performance of his duties. It shall likewise fill any vacancies in said office for the unexpired term, and may employ special counsel to assist the Town Counsel whenever, in its judgment, necessity therefor arises.

Selectman procedures policy states: page 6
10.) Appointments to Standing Committees: The Board shall make annual appointments and reappointments to standing committees at its first business meeting in June. Unless otherwise required by law, appointments need not be restricted to registered voters of the Town.

(3) Town’s General By-Laws: Article §59-3. "The Board shall annually, in June, choose and appoint all necessary Town officers, Trustees for Boynton Public Library, and the Gilman Waite Memorial Field, and Trustees for the Jehu Richardson Fund, the Masonic Fund, and the Waldo N. Haskell Fund, to serve from July 1 to the following June 30.”

 (4) Town’s General By-Laws: Article §47-4 “The Board shall annually in June appoint a Town Counsel, who is a member of the bar in good standing, to serve for the term of one year from the first day of July following and until his successor is appointed and enters upon the performance of his duties.”

Templeton town bylaws:
[Adopted 5-15-2019 ATM by Art. 8[1] (Art. XXXVII of the Bylaw Compilation)]
Editor's Note: This enactment also repealed former Art. XXXVII of the General Bylaws, adopted 6-22-1994.
Select Board.
[Amended 6-17-2020 ATM by Art. 9]
A violation of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the Select Board:
Fine allowed: $300.
Fine schedule: as established in rules and regulations.
Enforcing agent: Select Board or designee.

Selectmen meeting minutes show:
Wednesday July 12, 2023
Appoint Miyares Harrington as Town Counsel for FY 2024.

Time for all 5 members of board of selectmen to pony up 300 bucks each for violating town bylaw.