Friday, September 22, 2023

 Templeton voters have to be nutz to approve 5 grand for a late bill, when a bill for any amount for street lighting was never sent and no amount was included in the FY budget and I have emails to prove this.

Light dept. did not include street lighting cost to town so why should town (taxpayers/residents?) pay a bill they never received. Better yet, how does a town administrator call it a late bill? There was no appropriation by town meeting for street lighting because light dept. did not include that in their expense request for lighting of town buildings, etc.

From: Adam D. Lamontagne <>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 4:17 PM
To: John Driscoll <>
Cc: Jennifer Belliveau <>; Szocik, Bob <>
Subject: RE: FY2023 Town Street & Municipal Lighting Invoice
Hi John,
Had a chance to speak with Bob S. We put the electricity costs for the buildings at 100% but didn’t put in the street lights for FY ‘23. Bob recommended to me that we add $15,699 for municipal street lights in his budget for FY ’24. Apologize for my late response.

Why do residents aways have to pay for town employee screwups? How about the selectmen holding someone accountable. A dept. manager screwed up and did not submit an invoice or expense request for street lighting and nothing was put in budget, so how does anyone call it a late bill/ Let the light dept. eat the costs and perhaps that would be a reminder to do the job and check everything before submitting budget requests. Selectmen, hold someone accountable for a change.


  1. Let's send them a Bill for the "Pilot"...............nobody said they have to agree...............

    With the financial outlook in Templeton they will be grabbing for any money they can this and next yr.

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    This is absolutely not right and should not be paid. If I read all the emails in a previous post correctly I believe they had paid half of it already. Am I wrong about that? Please clarify for me. The town should NOT pay this bill. Diane Haley

    1. Part of it was paid, which in my opinion, should not have happened. Light dept. did not submit a cost at the beginning of budget so how can there be a late bill for something that was never submitted in the budget passed by town meeting?

  3. Why did the accountant process this as well as make it to the warrant?
