This email shows that the financial kick the can down the road and or take from this to pay for that is alive and well in Templeton. An unforeseen event, such as a pump failing, could be a reason for the fire department to go before the Advisory Committee and request a transfer from the reserve fund to cover the pump replacement/repair and thereby not messing up another department's budget.
I have strong concerns that the vehicle expense account will not have enough funds in the account to repair and service the town fleet until June 30th. As you may recall $20,000 was taken from this account to repair a water pump on the Towns ladder truck. Without a transfer back to this account, vehicles will have to be parked until July 1st. If this happens the Town has only one mechanic, it will take time to restore service to the vehicles that need repairs.
This action was done by the same people who "are in the know" according to one town employee.
These are the same people who let employees dictate Town policy.
The same people who used funds from the fire/EMS salary account (not the ambulance receipts fund) to cover a prior years snow & ice deficit amount. Now this year, these same people in the know, have allowed a truck to be bought on credit, as in adding to the snow & ice deficit, as well as allow the repair of a screening plant to be repaired by way of credit, as in adding to the snow & ice deficit. The final amount, what ever it is, will have to be paid. From where is the question? Either from available funds or from general aid which will be deducted off of the "cherry sheet" which contains an amount of money called unrestricted general government aid. That money is always used to cover Town charges (spending) for the upcoming year. That is also the figure or item that these same people in the know are trying to use as collateral to secure a loan from through the state for a new school.
These same people in the know, as they are referred to by at least one town employee have not really done much to reduce town costs for health insurance, as they continue to let employees dictate policy.
These people are the selectmen!
With word coming from the selectmen's office that group insurance, as in health insurance, looking to increase by 12% or more, I believe something needs to change and now. Back in 2012, group insurance or health insurance only went up 2.09%. The prior years increase was 10.2%. (from the 2012 annual Town report) One of the reasons for that small increase could be that it was made known to MIIA that the town was shopping for health insurance.
One thing that appears to be happening in Templeton, Town costs are going up and revenue is not keeping up, so things have to change. Whether it is the source of health insurance coverage, the Town employee split, retirees coverage, town hall hours, guidance from management, or a combination of all. Things have to change and rather than spending scarce funds on outside agencies, perhaps the town should use things already paid for, such as the division of local services for help.
posted by Jeff Bennett