Friday, October 7, 2022

 Why should Templeton Capital improvement committee meetings not be shown by TCTV, as in live stream on Facebook live or any other format? As many meetings as possible should be on tctv.

I pose this question as I watched the last capital improvement committee discuss tctv role and then voted to not have their meetings recorded because the committee did not think the "workshop" type meetings needed to be recorded and if people were interested, they could attend in person.

With busy lives, it is not always possible to attend meetings, no matter how early or late they are, but if they are recorded, we the people, can then watch at our convenience.

After a post on facebook, tctv responded:

FYI: TCTV streams Capital Improvement Committee meetings and last year created a Playlist of all of them for public reference, on both Channel 8 and TCTV deems Capital Improvements as of significant public interest to warrant recording and live-streaming. Members of the Capital Improvements Committee should not be speaking on behalf of TCTV and our policies. Here is yesterday's FY23 kickoff meeting: