Wednesday, January 10, 2024

 We have selectmen and an emergency management dept. Come up with a plan or hire someone to write one. Note; Beavers are not bothersome nor cause of emergency, they are natures engineer of waterways and wetlands, they are very good for the environment. Perhaps have town tree warden inventory town trees and come up with plan to take down trees that are not healthy and are a danger to people, it is why town has a tree warden!

 Anyone else wonder if it is a conflict of interest for the chairman of the board of selectmen to serve on edic, which if edic filed all the required paperwork, it is a separate corporation that can do business with the town? Why the town should follow advice from department of revenue and bar members of board of selectmen from serving on any other town board, committee or commission. Templeton already has a bylaw that keeps selectmen from running for any other elected office while a current member of board of selectmen.

 It would really be nice if the Templeton board of selectmen and advisory committee would just follow a town bylaw that was discussed and voted in place by town meeting. See section 9-6 of town bylaws on advisory committee: whenever there are end of year financial transfers, midyear spending adjustments for revolving funds or a request from a town dept. to use reserve fund money, there is a joint meeting of selectmen and advisory committee. Just follow the bylaw rather than trying to figure ways to not follow it. Having all parties involved in the budget process in the same room at the same time while there are proposed changes to said budget cannot be and is not wasting anyone's time.