Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Templeton Committee openings;

Capital Planning Committee1 Vacancy1 year Appointment
Conservation Commission2 Vacancies3 year Appointment
Open Space Committee5 Vacancies1 year Appointment
Zoning Board of Appeals2 Vacancies5 year (Associate Member) Appointment
Veterans Oversight Board1 Vacancy1 year Appointment
Economic Development & Industrial Corporation6 Vacancies1 year Appointment
Baldwinville Elementary School Disposal Advisory Committee7 Vacancies1 year Appointment
With a tax rate on the higher side in the state, Ashburnham is on the move to possibly cut expenses of the Town:

The Town of Ashburnham invites bids for Accounting Services. Documents are available starting at 11AM on TUE, FEB 20, 2018. Bids will be received until 4:00 P.M., THU, MAR 8, 2018 by mail or delivered to the Town of Ashburnham, Town Administrator, 32 Main Street, Ashburnham, MA 01430, with the designation “BID #FY18-04 Accounting Services” on the envelope. The Town of Ashburnham reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For questions, information, or bid documents contact the Town Administrator/CPO, (978) 827-4100 x 0, hbudrewicz@ashburnham-ma.gov.
From: OpenMeeting (AGO) <openmeeting@state.ma.us>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:24:40 PM
To: jeff bennett
Subject: RE: posting a meeting

Mr. Bennett,

A district school committee must post notice of its meetings either (1) in each city or town within the district in the manner in which each city/town posts notice; or (2) to the district website.  If it chooses the website as the official method, a description of the posting location, including the website, should be posted by each city/town clerk office.


Hanne Rush
Assistant Attorney General
Division of Open Government
Office of Attorney General Maura Healey
One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108
Tel. (617) 963-2820

From: jeff bennett [mailto:j_bennett506@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 8:01 AM
To: OpenMeeting (AGO) <OpenMeeting@MassMail.State.MA.US>
Subject: posting a meeting

Good day;

Here is my question/confusion; How is a school district suppose to post a meeting of the school committee or other entity involving the school district?

Is the school district suppose to post the meeting (s) with the Towns within the district. I wish to know and have clarification involving the school district concerning the Town I live in. District is made up of two towns, so when there is to be a meeting of the school committee, is that committee (school district) suppose to post that meeting with the two towns as well as on the district's website, for example. Templeton has voted by Town Meeting to post all public meetings on Town web site, so when there is to be a public meeting of the school committee or any other district entity, such as budget sub-committee or reorganization advisory committee, do those meetings need (required) to be posted on the Templeton Town website as well? Does a link on the Town website directing one to the district web site cover any such requirement. I am looking for clarification on the October 2017 open meeting law updates regarding to how open public meetings must be posted. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Jeffrey Bennett
Templeton, MA

from CIS; citizen's guide to Town Meeting

Secretary of the Commonwealth

Annual and Special Town Meetings

What’s the difference between annual and special meetings?
Each town must hold an annual Town Meeting. Additional Town Meetings are called special meetings. They may be called as many times during the year as necessary.
When are Town Meetings?
Annual Town Meetings, unless otherwise provided by special law or charter, must be held in February, March, April or May. The Board of Selectman may delay the annual meeting, but it must be completed by June 30th.

Massachusetts General Law - chapter 39:

Section 9: Annual meeting; other meetings; election of officers; times; adjournment; holidays

Section 9. Except as otherwise provided by special law or a charter adopted or revised or amended under Sections two, three, or four of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth which may provide for a different time for the election of town officials and other matters to be determined by ballot, the annual meeting of each town shall be held in February, March, April, May or June; and other meetings may be held at such times as the selectmen may order or the charter or by-law prescribe; provided, however, that, notwithstanding the provisions of this section or of any other law, by-law, or charter to the contrary, a town, by the vote of its board of selectmen or town council may delay the annual town meeting; and provided, further, that such a delayed annual town meeting shall complete its business on or before June thirtieth. Town meetings shall be held within the geographic limits of the town unless a special law, charter or by-law provides otherwise; provided, however, that any meeting for the election by ballot of federal, state or other officers or the determination of other matters that are to be determined by ballot at an election shall be held within the geographic limits of the town. Meetings may be adjourned from time to time and meet and adjourn to any place authorized by law provided that officers shall be elected, and matters required by law to be elected or determined by ballot, shall be so elected or determined during the hours during which polls shall remain open as hereinafter provided. If the day set for a town meeting by by-law or otherwise falls on a legal holiday, such meetings shall be held on the day following. A town may by by-law designate the hour at which the annual town meeting shall be called and subject to section sixty-four of chapter fifty-four by vote or by-law designate the hours during which polls shall remain open in meetings for the election of officers and the determination of other matters that are required by law to be determined by ballot.
Insurance advisory committee make up - Massachusetts General Law:

Section 3 - in part:

Said committee shall consist of eight members as follows: seven persons to be duly elected or appointed to membership on such committee by organizations of the employees affected, and one person who shall be a retiree of a governmental unit who shall be duly appointed to membership on said committee by the appropriate public authority.

Simply put, this committee meets when the participants can get paid while meeting, apparently not wishing to "volunteer" their time and meet after hours so taxpayers, if they wish, could attend.

Town:Templeton, MA 
Board:Insurance Advisory Committee
Time:Wednesday February 21, 2018 10:30 AM EST
Location:Town Hall
160 Patriots Rd., East Templeton, MA 01438
Conference Room
Insurance Advisory Committee
Wednesday, February 21, 2018, at 10:30 a.m.
160 Patriots Road, East Templeton, MA
Conference Room

1.) Call to Order 
2.) FY '19 Insurance Rates
3.) Options to Control Insurance Rates
4.) Vote on rates & plans for FY'19
5.) Adjourn 
The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law.