Monday, August 26, 2024

 Since Templeton decided to put light & water together, rather than the smart move to put water & sewer together, sewer has been in a tough spot. If you have town sewer and water, you pay your water bill but ignore sewer bill, your water cannot be shut off because you paid the bill, so sewer is forced to take legal action or write it off, either one adds to operating costs. The smart move for the town would be to undo light & water and move to water & sewer, which would make sense so perhaps hard to do in Templeton. From fy20 water financial on their webpage; "some of the employees of the Templeton municipal light plant work for both water and light. Since 2001, the light plant has charged the water plant a portion of these individual salaries since they are paid entirely from the light plant". (so when I pay my light bill, I am actually paying for some costs of town water even as I do not have access to town water??) "Between 2001 and 2011, the water plant made intermittent payments to the light plant leaving an unpaid balance of $131,354.00. Between 2011 and 2017, water plant did not reimburse light plant. Starting in 2018, water dept. began making monthly reimbursement payments to light plant. In fiscal year 2019, the two entities mutually agreed to write off the unpaid balance for amounts prior to 2018 which is reported as a special item for $316,919.00. Note here, the light commissioners and the water commissioners are the same 3 people, and the general manager of light is general manager of water. They all claimed the water mains near the roundabout on route 2A was emergency, unforeseen, etc., which is the reason given for a 300-thousand-dollar bailout from arpa.

 So Templeton has had an economic development industrial corporation for a while. Okay, so it took a while and some prodding from a resident (s) to get them to at least make it look like it was created properly. Then there was 200 thousand dollars that was handed over to them, keep in mind that is supposed to be a separate corporation from the town. Seems like all they are doing is trying to figure out how to spend 200K rather than bring business to town. Case in point, a company comes in, goes to planning board wanting to build a business in town, not impacting school costs with more kids, the location is next to route 2A (you may call it patriots road) route 2 and an off ramp from route 2. It is a pretty "clean" business, so why be against this. You either want some type of business in town or you do not. If you are waiting on edic to come thru, well, I will probably be in the ground before they do anything concerning bringing economic development to Templeton.

 So last year when Templeton free cash dropped, the message from the corner office was it is a result from good budget execution. I just checked the division local service web page, Templeton free cash listed at $868,008.00. Must have been some poor budget management because free cash increased by over 190 thousand dollars.