Perhaps the Templeton selectmen require a policy to look at the Templeton Town website weekly so they can ensure the information is correct and up to date.
Right now, that website shows Templeton is looking for a management fellow, an assistant Town accountant, assistant treasurer and a DPW Superintendent, along with a highway driver/laborer.
Another issue, after receiving the latest Town expenditure report, I notice that one Eric Pollitt is on the mailing list. He left Templeton employment back in July 2018 and here it is October 2018. How can anyone be expected to trust any information on the Town website?
Once again, at a Town meeting, Templeton resident Steve Drury brought up information that the Town may be owed around $300,000.00 from person or persons violating Town by-laws. So far, Templeton selectmen seem uninterested in acting. Instead, those same selectmen are interested in increasing Taxpayer legal costs by ignoring Town Meeting vote; failing to ensure or in this case, instruct employees to process non-union raises for sewer department employees.
One other issue is the failure of Town employee, Treasurer/Collector failing to follow Town by-laws in providing information requested by the Templeton Advisory Committee.
For a group that talks alot about policies and procedures, these selectmen seem to have a hard time following long established policies and mandates put in place by the very people who put the selectmen in place; the voters/residents of the Town.
That is my opinion on some Templeton matters / issues. It is also my opinion that Templeton chairman of the board of selectmen is long on talk and short on walk. John Caplis shows often he was in the military and anyone who has been in knows that when orders come down, you follow them, whether you agree or not. Well, Town Meeting gave selectmen some orders, when will they be obeyed? Perhaps selectmen feel no one cares when only 50 or so people show up for Town Meeting, which means we the people, hold some responsibility for this lax effort on the part of selectmen. Time for residents to stand up for themselves.