Monday, October 29, 2018

Dear Board of Selectmen:

I write to offer some words of caution.

We have a conference call scheduled for Tuesday at 1:30 to begin the work of closing out the BAN on the Pleasant St. pump station project.  I received an email from Town Counsel that he has been notified that his necessary participation in this process must be scheduled through the town administrator's office.  As you know the TA is part time and this week he won't be in the office until Thursday.  I have copied Holly on this email, but I will tell you here that the closing will require a lot of work on an almost constant basis, and it is my opinion that the process will be hindered and delayed by requiring town counsel to receive approval from the part time town administrator.

I have directed everyone to copy the TA with all correspondence.

If there are complications and/or delays in closing the BAN and securing the grant and permanent financing from USDA because of this, the responsibility will be with the Board of Selectmen and the town administrator.
