Templeton Town by-laws - Article IV - Advisory Committee.
Section 5. In the discharge of its duty, said committee shall have free access to all books of
record and accounts, bills and vouchers on which money has been or may be paid
from the town treasury. Officers, boards, and committees of the town shall, upon
request, furnish said committee with facts, figures, and any other information
pertaining to their several activities.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Advisory Committee to make an annual report of its doings,
with recommendations relative to financial matters and the conduct of town business,
to be contained in the annual town report.
It is the duty and responsibility of all Town departments and selectmen to provide Advisory Committee all financial documents involving public money. After the 2017 financial presentation of 2017 by the selectmen and the financial presentation to the Town by the Advisory Committee in 2014, both at the annual Town meeting, there needs to be much discussion and thorough breakdown of all financial matters involving the Town. Financial information should be readily available and easily obtained.
posted by Jeff Bennett