Friday, December 28, 2018

Templeton creates economic development corporation; okay, but how has that accomplished anything under the law or pretense for creating such an entity?

 First paragraph as amended by 2016, 218, Sec. 219 effective November 7, 2016:

There is hereby authorized in each municipality in the commonwealth the organization of an economic development and industrial corporation, a public body politic and corporate, hereinafter referred to as the corporation. No such corporation, however, shall be organized, transact any business, employ any personnel or exercise any powers until the city council with the approval of the city manager, in a city having a Plan D or Plan E form of charter, or with the approval of the mayor in any other city, or by the board of selectmen in a town, shall by vote declare a need for such a corporation because unemployment or the threat thereof exists in the city or town or that security against future unemployment and lack of business opportunity is required and that attracting new industry into the municipality and substantially expanding existing industry through an economic development project or projects financed under this chapter and implemented by such a corporation would alleviate the unemployment and lack of business opportunity problems.

Look up Massachusetts General law chapter 121c;

2016 Massachusetts General Laws
Section 3 Economic development and industrial corporation; authority to organize; consolidations; members of board of directors; surety bonds; compensation and reimbursements.

from annual town meeting of 2008:
article 12
On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to appropriate the sum of One Million, Four Hundred Ninety-One Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars ($1,491,936.00) to operate the Sewer Department; said sum is to be apportioned as follows: the sum of Eight Hundred Thirty-Nine Thousand, Three Hundred Twenty-Seven Dollars ($839,327.00) to be used for salaries, operating, maintenance, legal, engineering, and other expenses of the Templeton Sewer Department and the sum of Six Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand, Six Hundred Nine Dollars ($652,609.00) to be used for sewer debt of the Town. Said total sum is to be raised from sewer user receipts and fees, entrance fees, tipping fees paid by disposal contractors, sewer betterment fees, certified free cash, monies raised by taxation, and other fees collected as per Sewer Department Rules by the Town of Templeton Sewer Department. Said debt payments are to be paid as follows:
Bond Payments for FY’09
Paid by Betterments $151,000.00
Paid by USRDA Restricted Account 35,000.00
Paid by Sewer Enterprise Certified Free Cash surplus 133,189.00
Paid by taxation 333,420.00
Total payments for FY’09 $652,609.00
Passed Unanimously/May 13th @ 7:58
A public relations tour? Or out to make them look bad and try to win at town meeting?

I think there may be a surprise in recent real estate tax bills that went out from Templeton town hall.
Think back about sewer lines, sewer department, waste water treatment upgrades. . . . sewer betterment, liens on your property due to these improvements and such. Memory serves me that there was already an uproar over this subject years ago. Someone thinks it is time to revisit this. Perhaps some left over mess that needs to come out now when the selectmen and sewer commissioners are having a little tiff and somebody must want their way . . . .at all costs. Another classic move from this board of selectmen. They already did this type of thing to the Advisory Committee. But I think the naughty list is going to catch up with them this time. The sewer lien story needs to be revisited but it is not time to take eyes off the current issues; selectmen ignored town meeting vote . . . actually they went against it, and now they ask how they can get more people to attend town meeting? How about listen to town meeting vote. 
How about listen to and let people ask questions and have debate at town meeting, rather than fight against that like  selectmen Brooks did at one town meeting.