If one goes to the Templeton Town website at Templetonma.gov and click on town contracts and agreements, you can find the animal control agreement with Winchendon, MA. You will see it expired June 30, 2020. I inquired with the Templeton Town Administrator; his response was "Police Chief (and I’m not quite sure he had the authority so am checking) signed a one-year ACO"
Also, on the ethics liaison front, time flies; after the June 22, 2020 election, there is a 30 day time frame to submit paperwork that you have taken ethics test and have signed form, stating you have copy open meeting law, understand it, etc. and every two years, you are required to do it again. That is the responsibility of ethics liaison. I goofed and did not submit within time period. I caught it, did those things and brought it to town hall. That is an important requirement and task, to ensure all who are suppose to do it, actually follow through. The Town Administrator was appointed ethics liaison, so that seems to be another task not complete.