Templeton Town Hall - not really ADA compliant.
If you happen to be in a wheel chair, either permanent or temporary, and you go to Templeton Town hall, you find your self in front of a door that you have to roll up to, grab handle and wheel yourself backwards in order to open the door to enter. I believe one item to upgrade is to have bi fold doors with a push device to automatically open doors inward so the person can enter Town Hall safely. I believe those were the type of doors originally recommended when the work on Town Hall began so as to make it ADA compliant. So, "it has a ramp, doors and bathrooms, what else do you want?"
Perhaps, all that is wanted is simple and safe access to a public building, and I do not think that is available right now for everyone.
While it is costly, doing the door (s) over twice, to assist anyone who may require such things to enter a public building, may not only be needed in order for those residents to go to Town Hall, to attend meetings for instance, the door do over might be required to be compliant within the law. It is no different than handicap parking spaces, you know the parking area up front and close to a store's door that are often empty. They are required by law and if it is required by law and it will aid / enable a citizen/ resident / taxpayer to enter Town Hall, then that is it
I recall a comment (s) here on this blog concerning how we treat and take care of seniors, children, etc, speaks to the character of the Town and could be one of many reasons a person or family might choose Templeton as a place to live, I think the same case can be made for how a Town tries to look out for people who may need the extras to take part in the process of Town government.