Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mar 21, 2018 - NRSD School Committee


Motion to enter FY19 Preliminary Budget Hearing

Motion to open the FY19 Preliminary Budget Hearing. The FY19 Budget Hearing will be adjourned and the Committee will continue back in open session with their regular School Committee business.

Templeton Board of Selectmen
NRHS KIVA, 464 Baldwinville Road, Baldwinville, MA 01436
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 6:00 p.m.

Attend Narragansett Regional School Committee Meeting- General Discussion RE: Budget Hearing and Meeting

1 comment:

  1. This brief addresses a number of questions related to out-of-district special education placements and costs in Massachusetts. It looks at enrollment trends, program costs, transportation costs, the state’s Circuit Breaker program, and issues to consider for reducing costs in the future. Among the findings:
    • Sixty percent of students who are placed in out-of-district special education programs attend private schools; 40 percent attend public programs.
    • The average outplacement cost for private day programs is just under $51,000 per year and for public programs in collaboratives it is just under $32,000 per year.
    • Private residential programs on average cost $105,000 per year.
    • Districts spend more to transport students to private day schools, about $9,600 per pupil per year on average, than other placement types.
    • When IEP Teams make decisions about placing students, the team members are influenced by numerous factors, including but not limited to, legal requirements to place the student in the least restrictive environment, available resources in the school district, parental preferences, teacher preferences, and limited budgets.”
