Thursday, October 27, 2016

School choice, it is the schools choice!

A school district cannot stop students from leaving a district, but they can stop taking in students from other districts. It requires a vote by the school committee and that can stop trying to balance a schools budget by using students as a cash commodity, which in my opinion, is not a very honorable thing to do.

posted by jeff Bennett
So we have at least one selectmen stating on this blog they did not know how town meeting was going to go. Selectmen solving issues? Sounds like they are just creating more.

Question: Is there a rogue selectmen making calls by themselves and or with the town administrator?
               Seems like the rest of the board went along with it rather than question it, that is one of the
               things town meeting is for, to discuss and ask questions.

Question: Is that democracy in action? Is that how this board of selectmen is "functioning"? One selectmen making the rules                         without input from other board members in a public meeting?

Question: Are other selectmen allowing this to happen without calling for discussion or do they know
               about it and are fine with it, privately, then have a public opinion on it to make themselves look better?

Failure to explain all the warrant articles to the legislative body is an affront to democracy, it is an insult to the people who take the time to show up and wish to discuss something. Too bad a majority if not all of the selectmen did not want article 8 to be discussed, which means they put their personal agenda in front of the people that elected them. We are not suppose to agree on everything, as this board of selectmen seem to want, agree in public to paint an all is good picture, when we all know it is not. Seems like that has been tried the past few years, so how is that working out for you?

What we really do not need now is another policy to just use as a puppet to hold up as a statement of "onward and upward." Once again, this is not a pep rally, it is business! Should have honored the three no votes and found another way to deal with it.

So now, what are the real powers of selectmen at town meeting? After the warrant is voted, posted and town meeting is called, what really do the selectmen have to do that we must allow them to do?  What are the rights of the legislative body/ They do have and they demonstrated that they have the power to challenge the moderator so they must have the power to challenge the selectmen and they should, in my opinion.

The above is basically my opinion as a registered voter and participant.

posted by Jeff Bennett