Thursday, June 6, 2019

Phillipston Elementary School Survey 

Since the override failed in Templeton, it seems very likely that the Narragansett Regional School District (NRSD) will empty the Phillipston Memorial Elementary School (PMES) and transfer the students to the new Templeton Center Elementary School this fall. At some point in the future the district might convert it to a pre-k / kindergarten school for district wide and school choice students.

The Phillipston Selectboard wants to learn your thoughts about the options available to Phillipston. Please complete the survey below and return it to the Selectboard Office by June 5, 2019. 

First, please answer these questions. 

1. Do you have children in the Narragansett Regional School District? Yes No a.
If yes, how many children and what grades? _________________________________

Now please read each scenario below and answer the question after each scenario. 

2. Since Phillipston voted to approve the override the town could take the position to have the NRSD school committee not open the new Templeton School this year for "lack of funds" and distribute Templeton's elementary school students between PMES and the High School/Middle School until such funds are available to open the new Templeton Center elementary school and not empty PMES.
  Choose the option that is closest to how you feel:

 Yes, I agree.
 No, I disagree

3. If the NRSD district moves the PMES children to Templeton Center, what should the Town of Phillipston do?
Choose the option that is closest to how you feel:

 Do nothing. Let NRSD empty the school or convert it to a district-wide pre-k /kindergarten school.
  The Town needs to take action to try to stop this change.

4. Some people feel if NRSD moves the children from PMES to Templeton Center, the Town should take steps to keep the children at PMES. Listed below are some potential options available to Phillipston.
Choose the option that is closest to how you feel: 

 Withdraw the PMES elementary school only from the NRSD district. Seek another town or district as a partner.
 Withdraw the PMES elementary school only from the NRSD district. Operate the PMES elementary school ourselves the way Petersham does. (Note: Petersham operates its own elementary school and is part of Mahar Regional School District for grades 7 - 12)
 Withdraw completely (K-12) from the NRSD district. Seek another district as partner.
 School choice Phillipston elementary students to another school district.
 Stay with Narragansett Regional School District. Let the NRSD district send PMES elementary school children to Templeton Center School.

5. If Phillipston’s elementary students go to Templeton Center, the NRSD District or Town of Templeton or the State may require that the Town of Phillipston contribute to the cost of the new Templeton Center School building. This could be $3 - 4 million, requiring Phillipston to undertake long- term borrowing and a property tax increase.

How do you feel about this?
Choose the option that is closest to how you feel:
 That’s okay with me.
 I’m against that.
 It might be okay if we got something back in return, like the NRSD district paying for upgrades to PMES.

6. For the last year, a Phillipston town committee has been evaluating the condition of the PMES school and what updates are needed. An architect identified several issues to address: a new roof, a sprinkler system and some ADA improvements to meet code, moving the kitchen out of the basement, etc. The estimated cost for these upgrades and improvements is $2.25 million dollars, some of which may be covered by grants.

The Town of Phillipston has a history of investing in the PMES elementary school, upgrading the heating system, adding a gymnasium and an elevator, etc., even when it requires borrowing money or raising taxes to pay for it.

Do you think the Town of Phillipston should make these improvements to PMES?
Choose the option that is closest to how you feel:
 Yes, because we need to upgrade the PMES school to keep it up to date.
 Not if the PMES students are sent to Templeton Center.
 Not if the school becomes a NRSD district-wide pre-k / kindergarten.
 Only if the NRSD district shares in the cost because they make it a district-wide pre-k / kindergarten school.
 No, not under any circumstances

7. If the PMES children are moved to Templeton Center and PMES is emptied then we should:
 Choose the option that is closest to how you feel: 
 Take the building back and turn it into a municipal use, such as town offices, senior housing, community center, etc.
 Upgrade it so it can be used by the NRSD district as a school.
 Upgrade it so the Town of Phillipston can use it as a school.
 Don’t spend any more money on it. Maybe we should sell it.

8. If PMES becomes a regional pre-k / kindergarten then who should pay for the required upgrades?
Choose the option that is closest to how you feel: 
 The NRSD district should pay the improvement costs, with Phillipston and Templeton sharing the costs.
 Pay for the upgrades ourselves.

9. We may need to renegotiate the regional agreement. Currently we have 3 seats out of 8 on the NRSD school committee. Templeton has suggested it should be changed to match our proportion of the student population (14% +/-). That would leave us with 1 seat out of 8.
Do you agree with this change? Choose the option that is closest to how you feel: 
 Yes
 No

10. Any other comments?

RETURN TO: Phillipston Selectboard, 50 the Common, Phillipston, MA 01331 by June 5, 2019