Sunday, September 15, 2024

 To make your day; you pay taxes, and yes, that money from community preservation act, overseen by community preservation committee (CPC) are tax dollars. So you pay taxes to build playing fields/parks and you pay taxes to maintain them and you pay taxes to repair them. You should not have to pay to use them. Another thing, you pay taxes for a fire dept. and there is a fire dept. union contract, as in full time employees, they are paid to do a job and part of that job is to inspect certain things, again, residents should not be paying twice for same service, the fire dept. does not send you a bill for responding to a fire at your home/business, so why send you a bill or charge you for their inspection, that would be called service to residents. You do not get a bill from police if you call them. Residents need and deserve answers BEFORE any override is talked about or asked for. If any nonprofit or so-called charity or private group wishes to use town fields/parks, they pay, if anyone wants to set up on town property to sell anything, they pay, does not matter what or who. Remember, the nonprofit friends of Templeton Elders, collecting money to help pay for senior center kitchen, well I donated 3500 dollars to friends of elders, and I have yet to see that money handed over for the kitchen, so I say, any private entity that wants to use town property, you pay a fee, no exceptions. Kids do not pay to use the fields; parents pay taxes for that!

There is a thing called a budget, a dept. comes up with an estimate of what funds they might need to do certain things, put it in dollars and cents and submit it and you work off of that. It is not that hard, but it is work and effort.

MGL chapter 45, Section 5: Powers and duties of boards of park commissioners
Section 5. Such boards may lay out and improve public parks, make rules for their use and government, appoint all necessary engineers, surveyors, clerks and other officers, including a police force to act in such parks, define their powers and duties and fix their compensation and do all acts needful for the proper execution of their powers and duties. They shall have the authority given to the mayor, aldermen, selectmen, road commissioners and tree warden respectively by section seven of chapter eighty-four and by chapter eighty-seven, in places under their jurisdiction. Subject to appropriation, such boards shall also have the power to conduct park programs and recreation activities at places other than such public parks. There has to be a budget item for this entity to function properly.