Thursday, May 26, 2022


Article 14 To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $1.5 Million for the purpose of paying costs constructing a new operations facility for the Municipal Light and Water Plant on land currently owned by the Municipal Light and Water Plant on Bridge Street in Baldwinville, and that to meet this appropriation, the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectman, is hereby authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 (3) of the General Laws, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefore, and that although any bonds or notes issued pursuant to this vote shall constitute general obligation debt of the Town, any such bonds or notes shall be paid in the first instance from revenues generated through the operation of the Town’s Municipal Light and Water plant.
On a motion duly noted and seconded the Town voted to appropriate the sum of $1.5 Million for the purpose of paying costs constructing a new operations facility for the Municipal Light and Water Plant on land currently owned by the Municipal Light and Water Plant on Bridge Street in Baldwinville, and that to meet this appropriation, the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectman, is hereby authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 (3) of the General Laws, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefore, and that although any bonds or notes issued pursuant to this vote shall constitute general obligation debt of the Town, any such bonds or notes shall be paid in the first instance from revenues generated through the operation of the Town’s Municipal Light and Water plant. Passed 2/3 Vote
Templeton Annual Town report of 2003, page 28, under Municipal Light & Water Plant;
"In May of 2002, the municipal light and water plant management advertised for bids to construct the 12,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse complex. On June 5, 2002, the bids were received, and the bid prices ranged from a low of $1,900,000.00 t a high of $2,420,448.00. Bids were reviewed by architect, Paul Lieneck, who recommended that the commissioners accept the low bid submitted by AMS construction company from Ipswich, MA. The commissioners voted to withdraw $400,000.00 from the MMWEC working capital fund to pay the increase above the $1,500,000.00 approved at town meeting. Construction began in August 2002 with an anticipated completion date of March 2003."  Nothing like doing things right and spending more than town meeting appropriation.
This is sent as background information so perhaps less confusion on who owns what. Light & Water dept. building.