Thursday, September 7, 2023

 An insult to the residents of Templeton.

Employees of the Templeton municipal light & water dept. along many other departments are asking for premium pay for working during covid. While many important things to benefit residents remain on a to do list. Employees wanting to suck up arpa funds is a joke in my opinion. One of the purposes for arpa funds is to replace lost revenue due to covid. Best of my knowledge, no government employee lost a cent in pay, lost no job, lost no benefit, tax money still rolled in being paid by people who actually lost work time, lost jobs and had to pay more for things while supporting the government and its employees. Suddenly to collect extra money, the light and water dept. suddenly say they are part of the town.


  1. Besides light & water, sewer, police, assessors, town clerk, development services, treasurer/collector, senior services, library, veterans services, community services all looking for a bonus from arpa funds while the flooded area at Otter River rd and N. Main Street got put off. Veterans services currently was not even employed by the town at the time. Remember, town hall was closed during covid and I personally witnessed town hall employees sitting at desks without masks on even as the message from town hall was to wear masks. This is complete bullshit proposed use of your money to benefit a select few who did not lose any hours or their job from covid and they want a bonus. There it is on paper of where town employees look at residents. One can see for themselves on the Templeton website under the agenda for the upcoming selectmen meeting on September 13, 2023.

  2. Please note that never did the Town Executives or Administration attempt to aid citizens or local businesses with the ARPA funding like many other communities did.

    It's all about more money for government waste............
