Thursday, September 12, 2024

 How does one try to do a job when financial reports are bad.

Templeton, MA May budget versus actual, under community preservation funding, from special town meeting November 2019, article 11 has 34 thousand dollars for scout hall. Fast forward to finance report for May 2024, shows $30,923.84 available and $29,920.04 spent. Looking at June 2024 and July 2024 finance reports, same line, same article, same account, they both show $34,000.00 available for spending. I cannot in good conscience vote in favor of any override or debt exclusion while I see this. While there are some good reasons for an override, as in a special override, I cannot go for that now, as a resident who tries to be informed and participate at town meeting, I cannot do it. It would be a fiduciary irresponsible thing to do at this time. Finance and administration are two of the most important things in a business/corporation.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sounds more than reasonable to me!

    I'm still stuck on the phillipston dispatch revenue number of $70,000 as it includes $20,000+ in e911 monies a s stated by Chief Bennett.
    The problem I have is that 100% of the e911 money is also accounted for in the revenue number.

    To me it appears we are countng $20,000 twice hence making the budget, unbalanced.

    All these games with the budget forced us to spend over $430,000 in one tme funds in 2025 to attempt to balance budget, Any free cash or grants used to pay regular business activity are just adding to Override amount required to maintain flat services.
    Look at our Select Board retreat goals.....they have 7 hires they want to ad. Thats about $900,000 with bunnies.
    Then the request for $400,000 Adam recently mentioned for Royalston Rd....( I believe it to be a free cash support request as the need is not immediate) but as our special articles get purchased and our " capital plan/free cash" reduces the potential fixes will get more and more costly for town

    I want no part of it. NO OVERRIDE while Mr. Currie and Mr. Lamontagne are employed in Templeton Town government

    Robert May

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      The response I have received since Monday's BOS meeting tells me, we are right ! The only thing is we will go back to the Templeton Rut playbook, and lay off the Highway, threaten to close the library, etc. ! The same thing we have done, over and over. This has to stop ! Bev

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Time for an external forensic audit going back at least 5 years. Time to bring in the IG to review everything which has/hasn't been done since the current TA started working for the town.
