Thursday, September 12, 2024

 Town owned building, often referred to as scout hall, which was originally a schoolhouse, same as town hall. Funding for rehab of "scout hall" was by an article at town meeting from CPA funds, which carry with them, certain rules and regs, many involve commercial use, as in for profit or charging money for use. In all that time, 8 years, I never saw a man in a scout shirt go before selectmen and ask about how much room for us? TCTV moving into the building was always out there and no rules or policy on use was out there, as best as I can find so far (still looking) now, the building is complete and now we need a policy (not sure if it will be followed) and everything needs to be moved around and the town administrator needs to crack whip (my words) on tctv so scouts can go in there? There is an ADA ramp to enter building but there is an uneven parking area, no ada parking spot, no marked parking of any kind. Something smells on this project (my opinion)


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Hi Jeff, have you run an opinion piece on foreclosing on the Templeton Stuart property and why it might make sense for the town? If so could you direct me to that story. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Can you answer this question? What is the buildings capacity? Is that on the occupancy permit to open that building? Or is that with the fire department? So if the buildings capacity is 100 guests, how many parking spots are required to grant the occupancy permit? If 10 people show up to use the public building. Where would they park if there are 20 non-handicap people in the building? Worst case scenario what if there’s a medical emergency in that building is there a fire lane? Is there access for the fire department or medical services to get in that building quickly or fire apparatus if needed? if children are going to be in this building, that should really be looked at before we allowed this to happen.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      On the Occupancy permit I recieved from the building department the building capacity is blank.

      It was hung in Scout Hall listing 5/9/24 as approval date.

      How did CPA sign off with I UT ADA parking?

      Robert May

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      How is that possible? Not having a capacity of a public building, scares me

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      It should, especially as after your injured you can't get to many town facilities......

      This is our Administration/Selectboard hard at work......

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Correction, 10 handicap people show up to use the building

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Another question for you? If this is a Town owned building what are the hours of operation so public taxpayers can visit the building during operating hours? Like Townhall there is operating hours are there guidelines when a member of the public visits this building to view it? Are there any controls in place once again this is a public building it should be open to the public correct? Is this considered a historical building? Does the historical commission have any control of it or say in it? Is there any signang All right in the building of its origin? More discussion should’ve been had this should’ve been a visitor center as you visit Templeton not to a new home for TCTV. I am taxpayer in the town of Templeton if I went there today, would it be able to walk in and view the building freely?

    Can I ask who takes care of the restrooms and keeping the building clean? Is that on buildings and grounds? I thought they were so understaffed? This building is open to the public. What is the protocol for keeping it clean and safe for public access?

    1. As of 7:00 A.M. today, there were no hours of operation posted outside of the building.
