Friday, September 13, 2024

 Templeton capital planning committee report/recommendation to selectmen for fiscal year 2020.

scout hall equipment and furnishings from cable fund @ $10,000.00. That was a recommendation forwarded to selectmen per the bylaw according to the report on town website.
Mike Currie is listed as vice chair of the capital improvement committee. Fiscal year 2020 is from July 1 2019 until June 30, 2020.
Records show members of the board of selectmen for that period:
Michael Currie, Jeffrey Bennett, Julie Richard, Theresa Griffis 2022 Diane Haley Brooks.

If one looks at meeting minutes of the Templeton community preservation committee, many meeting agendas had scout hall and tctv was in the mix. If the building was intended for scouts, why was that not in the original town meeting article back in 2016? Original vote took place May 2016, which is fiscal year 2016 and annual town report shows selectmen at that time - Kenneth Robinson
John Columbus
Julie Richard
Doug Morrison
Diane Haley Brooks.

Seems to be a planning issue, as in lack of one from beginning, no end game, no plain statement the building will be used for this: This morning at 7:30 A.M., there are two signs about scouts planted in grass at so called scout hall, I do not know who planted them there, but, I hope they are in line with town sign bylaw.

Templeton capital planning committee report of fiscal year 2021, shows in part $20,000.00 from cable fund for scout hall furnishings. Report states all tax and non tax impacting requests are recommended to selectmen. Members listed in report: Julie Richard - chairman, Bob May vice chair, Cheryl Richardson/ town treasurer collector, Amanda Murray / member at large and Adam Lamontagne, assistant town administrator ex-officio member.

So with all money coming from tctv/cable fund, what exactly was the thought of selectmen and capital and anyone else/ Did anyone think tctv was not going into the building? All this information is on town website so you can check it out. Any donations from cub master, former selectmen John Capis, owner of caplis medical consulting service? My personal opinion was use tctv to get building funded as tctv has alot of support and keeps community informed by way of recorded meetings, etc. and once the building was finished, toss tctv back into the closet and scouts in and that is that. Again, that is my personal opinion, based in part of my time watching town politics.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I never thought the Scout Hall project was good move for Templeton. Just want to be clear!

    Being on Capital and knowing that TCTVs participation in "Scout Hall" was the only reason it was funded by CPC I fully supported TCTV in Scout Hall because they brought a means to maintain the building and the return to citizens from TCTV is invaluable.

    In my opinion this is a Administration/Selectpeoples issue. Ms Richard's has been continually trying to keep TCTV out of Scout Hall. Maybe that's what motivated her to bring a package to CPC without a vote from the Committee formed to run this project. Isn't that when the Committee was resolved and Selectboard took over project? Maybe that's why she dumped her misrepresentation on Carter who took heat for telling ( his boss Ms Richard) TO VIOLATE policy, procedure and guidelines, we'll never know. This is all in minutes, videos etc..?...Provable!

    TCTV Needs a Space. We have had TCTV in closets around town for y3ars continually asking for more from broom closet tenants.

    I fully support TCTV and want every town meeting recorded. That's the dilemma, Members of many committees, many with Selectboard members on them don't want the meeting recorded as they are then required to follow policy, procedure and law or risk being called for violating those rules. Look no further than EDIC who attempted to avoid coverage, Mr Currie, Glenn Eaton until called out for it.

    This TCTV battle is over government transparency and our present problems with it by a few members be bad actors!

    All opinions and statements are mine, I own them and lived with these event since 2016.

    If TCTV is not in that building as main tenant as town service it would be my suggestion to offer building for sale as long as it's moved to private land! Ms Richard's, Mr Caplis can purchase building and place it on there properties and open doors to anyone they choose.

    TCTV is a vital tool usable by citizens to keep town government honest, without it, corruption arises quickly

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Sorry, previous post is by me, Robert May

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      My expectation has always been the building would be primarily for the youth of the town. TCTV needed a place to securely store their equipment and hold occasional meetings. History is repeating itself. Town Meeting approved it's use for the kids.

    3. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Funding did not!

      Town meeting Article created by Selectman under Julie Richard, John Caplis and I agree with you.
      Our Selectman did follow procedure as Selectboard member appointed to committee, brought this to CPC without authority from the Committee.Then blamed a subordinate for the failure to comply. Carter took the hit for Ms Richard who has been fighting to keep TCTV out of 135 Patriots Rd.
      Mr Caplis as "Cub Master Caplis" probably should have recused himself according to State Ethics, but we know how that goes!

      So I agree that Bad government actions have created another mess. It's not like this is new news. It's been called a project without a plan for 8 years because every step forward gets sidetracked by our Elected officials who you see fighting the same old fight to get thier way and violate any regulation to do so.
      Mr Rivard is the latest lacky to jump aboard the let's violate the intent of the project.

      Visitor center, community center, tctv

      The Article in 2016 doesn't meet the funding requirements listed by CPC in approving package. So why should that be the determining point,MIT violating the funding agreement with cpc. See Selectman in this town have done a major injustice to It's citizens by inserting thier own childhood into this legal event.

      Time for ethical leadership in Templeton,, not more of the same.

    4. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Second line from above comment should read " Selectman DIDN'T follow procedure, sorry for that, bad fingers!
      Robert May

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I agree with everything Jeffrey and Bob said. TCTV deserves better than the way they have been treated. In my opinion, they are the most valuable asset the Town of Templeton residents have. Can't get to a meeting ? You can watch it when it is taking place, or watch it later. Funding has been difficult because of Comcast making changes. The failure of the Board of Selectmen to fund them at all is inexcusable. TCTV has invested more than their own money. They have worked with out a home long enough. I will support them. Bev. Bartolomeo
