Saturday, July 6, 2024

I recommend looking at item concerning EDIC.

Also make note of fire dept. issues.


  1. The Bassackwards EDIC is digging a deeper and deeper hole, more conflict and still is using TOWN employees.

    How does EDIC Corp have a Templeton Corp employees working for it. The EDIC should be paying for the space they use, but the only money they have is for Economic Development in Templeton which they are spending to support their own little groups.....MRPC, TCTV, etc

    Conflicts of interest everywhere!

  2. EDICC had a meeting a while back after one of my inquiries and Mike is heard asking Chairman Eaton and I'm para phrasing here. Mike says, Aren't we a Corporation? and Chairman Eaton Eaton responds in so many words........NO!
    Thats the spark that got them to put the Article on Town Meeting Warrant.
    It is my memory of the "how to form an EDIC" that shows the 2024 Town Meeting Article is the "First Step"............
    In Templeton our Selectboard under Chairman Caplis in 2017 decided to create one out of thin air. This action is being relied upon even though its not a required step in creating an EDIC.

    Now they Still need certification by the (old-DHCD) EOHED now. Templeton does not have this and does not have the Plan D or E as required to apply for it.

    Now they have basically alloted themselves (Mike C is Chairman of Selectboard and EDIC member) $200,000 for Economic development in Templeton which this questionable group is breaking up amongst themselves to bolster their budgets, MRPC, TCTV, Templeton Corp while using town employees.

    Why is Templeton Corporation paying for workers for the EDIC? EDIC has no budget for personnel, supplies, nothing! They dont really exists, remember?
