Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Templeton has a bylaw stating selectmen cannot serve on any other elected positions in town, town residents need to expand that bylaw, following recommendations from DOR and include selectmen shall not serve on any other appointed town positions and include EDIC, which when done correctly is a separate corporation from the town (that should get your attention).


  1. 100% agree with your statement and the DOR recommendation.

    I'll VOTE YES to that one all day long.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    By laws are passed at the Annual Town Meeting. If you are a resident long enough, you quickly realize people have bad memories, if they knew these changes at all. New to government ? How can anyone lead if they can't find the road. They follow the same "Templeton Rut" the community has been in for the past twenty years. It is safe, it is easy ! Nothing gets fixed, but the rut is easier to follow than the path out. I found this note I wrote a while ago. 2003/2004 Town failed to take action regarding the findings and recommendations expressed in 1998 &2002 audits. 2003 Town crashed at the end of 2002. The Light Department transferred $100,000 to the town as a pilot payment. Demand better or the Templeton Rut will just get deeper, paid for by you.
