Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 Templeton has a town bylaw on unregistered vehicles. Templeton, specifically Templeton fire department has a junk/salvage yard at Baldwinville fire station, how about they begin there. It is right down the road from the proposed apartments at old school where it is talked about in plans for a greenway space to the river. How nice it will be when one walks down that space and sees all the junk parked. It is across the road from Rivers Edge Park. Are those vehicles part of fire dept. expense? Any of them leaking any fluids? They were brought up at one selectmen meeting so I am waiting on follow up, as was stated back in May by the new chair of the board.


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    One question would be why on earth save these vehicles ? Are they going to be put to good use anytime soon? The longer they sit the more they will deteriorate. If they had any value to any other department they would have been gone long ago. I understand disposing of these vehicles takes time and work. Letting them continue to sit should not be an option. Don't tell me we have not got the personal to do it! As a wise man has said, " do your job". The list of things and projects unfinished gets longer and longer.

  2. It's been 3 years since we were told Cheif Dickie would be returning or surplusing the vehicles.

    Dickie had some plan to "build" fire vehicles from the old scrap..............I think we can scrap any plans to have employees building service vehicles when they cannot even properly manage the vehicle they have now.........
