Thursday, August 3, 2023

 Templeton collected $77,346.00 from meals tax, so where is the new police cruiser that this tax is supposed to fund? Where is the new highway one ton that this tax is supposed to fund? It was stated to town meeting when asked to accept this tax, that those are items it would pay for. So where are those vehicles, since we paid the tax, why have we not seen the results? Another lie right up there with accountant talking about snow ice funding.


  1. Hey Jeff, When the Town agreed to the Meal Tax the total to be collected if my memory serves was $42,000 and that was suppose to remain directed towards your stated items.

    Now, whatever we end up with for "Free Cash" will be reduced by One Cruiser that was pushed back cause someone spent us into a "short" spot............

  2. Sacrificing one budget year for another because meals tax not used for stated purpose and I am tired of being lied to, maybe time to end meals tax.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Some of us just won't pay it. So we buy Chinese in Gardner rather than Chinatown.

    2. Add CPA Tax and I'll signup............both mismanaged

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    When a taxpayer goes to Town Meeting there was a time they could walk out the door and feel a sense of accomplishment that they had voted for items or monies the Advisory Committee had approved as needed to get the job done, and those items would be bought or money spent to accomplish the task. So much for blind faith ! Jeff has listed project after project that should have been done years ago. The money is sitting in an account, waiting for what ? Just how much are those projects going to cost today ? It is scary that there is no consistency at all from year to year. When a person sits in the seat as a member of the Board of Selectman, that job is a continuation from one year to another. The job is not "new"! The very fact there is no follow-up on any of these projects is a red flag big enough for all to see. I will say it again, we need to change our type of government to something that works, because sure as the devil, this doesn't.
