Sunday, June 11, 2017

Tue 5/30, 9:47 AM


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    what don't the selectmen understand about a BAN it is a note to borrow money in Anticipation of getting a bond later. it is not a bond nor will it ever be a bond until a much later time when it will hopefully change into a bond.

    1. I also read the "do not spend it" part, from the Auditor. Do the BOF's (board of fools aka/selectmen), have a way out of this mess if the DOR and state officials stop us from this project, or if we continue it ? Who would give us a bond with the financial state we are now in ? I do believe that the people in this town have been deceived in the worse possible way. For one, they have been lied to, about the financial state we are in, and what it will cost us to build a school, when we will not have enough kids left in town to fill it. If you think I am exaggerating, think again ! This mess will place a burden on not only the young people, but the elderly. A large number of people who want what they want, when they want it, have no roots in this community. They do not care about the people who have faithfully paid their taxes, and contributed to this town for their whole lives. People who could have stood up for the people who can not speak for them selves, have allowed for this to happen. There was a time when town officials could have been trusted to do what was best for the whole community, but I am afraid those days are gone. Bev.
