Friday, November 25, 2016

Town Meeting Times is an interesting read, well for some people perhaps.

Within the third edition, there is a line about making a negative main motion. It states that the preferred practice when no one makes a motion under an article is for selectmen or chair of finance committee (advisory committee) to make a negative main motion. See, there are uses for the Advisory Committee, no matter what john columbus thinks or says.

Town meeting times is the guide book for Templeton town meetings as well as many other communities. Town Meeting Times is on my winter reading list.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Mr.Bennett, you should be a lawyer. Mr. Columbus should keep quiet. His leadership has led us down the rabbit hole that is full of debt. By doing what he wants us to do, has led us in the mad circle of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. This circle has been repeated atleast three times in the past sixteen years. This latest financial mess will make number four. I am done being quiet !! These are our families who are being hurt. That includes our Town workers. We have to get it right this time for once and for all. I do not care if it is with State help or not. We can not allow some departments to thrive while others starve. A override ?? Hell no !! Our townspeople pay enough.. Bev.
