Friday, November 25, 2016

Looking at the contract between the Town of Templeton and local 39 public employees union, July 1, 2016 -June 30, 2019. Part of the cost of one employee of the highway department emerges:

page 22 - uniform and boot allowance. The Town (taxpayers) will provide each highway department employee (and sewer employee) 11 cotton uniforms along with coats and taxpayers will pay 100% of the cost, to include cleaning and mending. Taxpayers will also buy 5 Tee shirts for July and August and the taxpayers will also purchase for each employee either one insulated jacket or one pair of insulated coveralls per year. Taxpayers will also make available water-proof boots, gloves, rain gear and safety equipment. Each employee bears personal responsibility for said items. If any of the above mentioned items are torn or damaged in the line of work, taxpayers will replace same.

Boot allowance; The Town (taxpayers) will reimburse each full time union employee an amount of $250.00 per year for work boots upon presentation of a receipt.  Effective July 1, 2018, the boot allowance will increase to $300.00 per year.

Safety glasses; Taxpayers will reimburse each full time union employee up to $165.00 per year for prescription safety glasses with a receipt for same.

The contract in it's entirety is on the Town website, under board of selectmen, contracts and agreements. To make up for the fraudulent expense document presented at town meeting, selectmen want to do away with a janitor/cleaning position at the library but at the same time, they give away the kitchen sink to the union. Pretty poor bargaining skills, in my opinion, on the part of the selectmen. we really do need to explore an underride so that the selectmen have less of your money to give away, in my opinion.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Speaking of library, I still do not know where the money went that the library got for cutting the wood on the "Library Lot". Last I know the money was supposed to be taken by the "Town" from the Library but what account it went into is a mystery. The money should have gone into the General Fund, but I am willing to bet it went into Selectman's Expense, aka Markel's slush fund, while he was here. So much for a open and honest government.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Wish someone would pay for my work clothes, shoes and clothes washing expenses and yes I have a dress code.
