Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Message from Town Administrator Bob Markel
The Department of Revenue has always discouraged the use of free cash to balance the budget. Bond rating agencies do the same, and the low bond rating for the Town reflects, in part, the lavish use of free cash to fund the operating budget. However, this is not illegal; it is simply unsound financial policy.
The amount of free cash available changes yearly, and it is not predictable. Free cash is considered one-time revenue, and the Department of Revenues recommends that it used to augment the Stabilization Fund (reserves) or for one-time purchases like capital items.
Audit firms do not do a thorough job of auditing the books (unfortunately). They come and test various areas of the town’s finances to see if there are problems, but some problems are not caught and can persist for years. They tell you up front that they cannot do a thorough audit for the relatively modest amount they charge. The DOR representative at today’s meeting called the standard municipal audit a “hit and run” audit. Still, some firms are more reputable and more competent than others. I cannot name names in this message, but there are several firms that I would never hire.
Recommendation: The Selectboard should create an Audit Committee of knowledgeable citizens who will have two responsibilities: 1) Bid the audit contract every three years, and hire an independent auditor; and 2) Receive the annual audit and do a public review of the findings and the management letter. Municipal auditors are typically hired by the Town Administrator, Town Accountant or Finance Director. This is an inherent conflict of interest since town officials who do the hiring are the ones whose work is being audited. Hiring and receiving the audit should be an arm’s length transaction from the Town’s financial team.
The Department of Revenue oversees 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. They accept data provided by the Town Accountant, the Treasurer/Collector and the Assessors. They often question the data, but they are not always able to verify if data submitted on the Tax Recap or Schedule A are accurate. The DOR does not have access to the town’s accounting system. For example, the DOR was in Templeton today to question whether the Town has properly reported debt obligations on the DE-1 section of Schedule A. Some debt is paid from general revenue within the town budget and some debt is paid through debt exclusion. There is a correct way to report these two types of debt on Schedule A. The DOR representatives checked to see if the Town reported the data correctly, but they are limited in their ability to verify the accuracy of the data.
The long term solution to Templeton’s financial problems is to hire a professional Town Administrator who will put in place a competent financial management team – Accountant, Treasurer, Collector and Assessors. The Selectmen and Advisory Board have the responsibly to oversee the T.A. and the financial team on their management of the Town’s finances. To complement the BoS and Advisory Board, the Audit Committee should retain a reputable accounting firm to conduct an annual audit with the results made public.
Bob Markel
Interim Town Administrator

Monday, February 10, 2025

 Open Burning Permit, Residential$10.00

Open Burning Permit, Agricultural$10.00
Smoke Detector Only Inspection$25.00
Fire Sprinkler System Inspection$25.00
Tank Removal Permit$25.00
Tank Installation Permit$25.00
Blasting Permit$25.00
Oil Burner Installation Permit$25.00
Oil Burner and Tank Installation Permit$25.00
Unvented Gas Appliance Permit$25.00
Black Powder Permit$25.00
Fuel Storage Permit$25.00
Fuel Transport Tank Permit$25.00
Various other inspections and permits as may be deemed necessary by the Department of Fire Services from time to time.$25.00
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector inspection $50.00 / single family
$100.00 / two family
$150.00 for any building or structure with six or fewer residential units
$500.00 for any building or structure with more than six units.

Pay taxes for salaries for fire dept. employees and then you have to pay again for a "service" Keep in mind, you have to pay a fee, if you get a permit, to do work and build a home, remodel, etc., and it gets inspected by building inspector, for a fee. When it comes to fire dept, you have to pay extra for them to do their jobs that you already paid for. This is not just a Templeton issue, residents of may towns do things this way. I wonder how many people skip the smoke detector check because of the fees. Town has employee/citizen award at town meeting, perhaps a residents week in say September, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors inspected free as a service to residents.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

 So, should there be a town bylaw to prevent selectmen from serving on any appointed committees, boards, commissions, etc.?