Friday, February 28, 2025

 Very Public information, posted on Templeton town website under contracts:

Town Administrator: g.) Cause shall be defined as a material breach of the Agreement, indictment (in the course of official duties), or conviction for willful actionable criminal activity, excluding traffic violations, or misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance in office. Misfeasance or malfeasance for the purposes hereof shall not be deemed to exist if the issue at hand consists of matters involving the Administrator’s management style or errors in judgment or decisions made in good faith (excluding gross negligence), or refusal to implement Board directives which the Town Counsel shall have determined to be unlawful or beyond the scope of their authority.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It's a shame that Mr Currie either can't or wont reada/follow laid out directions to his JOB!

    Administrator contract:

    14.) Discipline, Suspension of the Administrator, and/or Termination by the Board

    The following provisions of this contract shall apply to any discipline or termination of the
    a.) In the event the Board believes there is or may be cause to discipline, suspend or terminate
    the Administrator, the Board will provide the Administrator with written notice within
    seventy-two (72) hours of its decision to hold such a hearing.

    At no point duing the recent selectboard meeting did the Board even discuss "Cause". When asked Mr Currie refefrred to "the complaint" as the cause, then He never reds complaint into record. So exactly how did those voting yes follow this contractual obligaation?
    I'm my opinion they did not!

    In my opinion Mr Currie violated Open Meeting Law by even bring this matter up during aregular session since it was NOT listed on agenda.

    It is my belief that Mr Currie intentional violated Open Meeting Law and Intentionaallly violated the Town Administrators contract to show favor to the Superintendant of the school who was watching the meeting.
    This smells of pettiness, aaarrogance and a lack of concern for the taxpayers of templeton as now He has potentially created an open liability for the Town.

    Mr Currie lack of willingness or ability to follow rules is insulting and disruptive to a productive Government. He is the same man who kept stating our Illagitamate EDIC was done correctly. The same Mr Currie who stated within past year "we have plenty of money" The same Mr. Currie who confronted a taxpayer saying no override would happen for y 26.

    How long is this type of behavior going to be acceptable?

    I say, no MORE!


  2. Bob May, I said enough, long ago. The lack of respect Mr. Currie showed Templeton's Town Administrator and some members of the Board of Selectmen during this meeting is absolutely uncalled for. We do not have a dictatorship in the Town of Templeton. As chairman the job is to run the meeting. This gives the chairman no more or less importance than the other members. The Town Administrator give Mr. Currie ample opportunity to give him and the public cause, as to why this hearing was going to be held. Since Mr. Currie went this far and refused to provide a answer I am pretty sure we are left wide open for a lawsuit. Congratulations to the members that supported Mr. Currie. You have put the town in a position that is uncalled for. You have put the town in potentially another financial bind. It is bad enough as it is. I am sick and tired of the "good old boys" sticking together. This behavior has not done this community any good.

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hopefully the towns people take notice and attend Town Meeting. It would do us good to have 500+ people in the room. Nothing will change unless the people demnd it!

    It's time to get real with our needs and wants as this pie in the sky "we have plenety of money" everyone gets new vehicle, all while we go broke is pathetic and on Mike Currie.

    Our bridges are failing, our roads are crap and our Budget is most likely in deficit but the Chairmans big concern is a public posting/public record.
    Time to go Mike! Long overddue exit needed in my opinion!


  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    And he wants another 3 years!!

    Do we really want more of the same with limited attendance Julie or all powerful Mike?
