Thursday, July 11, 2024

 Management letters for FY 17 - FY 23 (which is not yet posted to website)

FY 17 signed March 27, 2018
FY 18 signed January 21, 2019
FY 19 signed November 18, 2019
FY 20 signed January 28, 2021
FY 21 signed March 3, 2022
FY 22 signed April 6, 2023
FY 23 signed April 1, 2024.

If a management letter is signed, it indicates audit is complete. Even if signed April 1 or April 4, audit could still be presented to town publicly before our annual town meeting, if administration wanted it so, in my opinion. If we could get audits completed by November, January or February in the past, there should be no reason why we cannot get it done going forward, in my opinion.


  1. Your Opinion seems valid in my opinion.

    The problem is the audit doesn't tell as rosy a picture as Mike and Adam have tried to present over the past couple years. Now we are paying for their budgeting with blinders on.

  2. I heard Adam mention something about getting TLWD to go with same auditor as town...........well, I'd be good with that if we change audit firms. We've had this firm and the same uncertified accountant for 10+ years.
    They've brought us from one financial disaster in 2012-2015 to the present financial mess denied by the Executive and finance team for so long. I would like a fresh set of eyes on all our finances as it should be obvious to anyone watching that our team is playing Ostrich with heads buried in sandlike substance.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    How much are we paying the "staff" in the Selectmen's office ? The more they make, the less they do. 😥
