Monday, July 29, 2024

 Templeton board of selectmen, another failure to follow state law and another lie out of their office.

The Lie, from weekly report of the TA:
TO: Select Board 
FROM: Adam Lamontagne, Town Administrator 
 RE: Administrator’s Weekly Report 
 DATE: July 25, 2024 
CC: All Departments
All public meetings can be viewed on TCTV YouTube.

So, I attended a meeting of Templeton COA and tctv was not there. I have not seen a meeting of Templeton municipal light & water dept. Meeting on tctv. I have attended meeting of Templeton cemetery commissioners and no tctv present. I have not seen recent sewer commission meeting on tctv, so there seems to be an intentional lie to selectmen, depts. and residents coming from the office of Templeton town administrator. Is that an intentional lie? Is that an example of incompetence? You can make that call.


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    TCTV - Castle got his paid position. Now Templeton can be the patsy and pay for Steve to produce content about Orange. He sold everyone a bill of goods. Even you Jeff.

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Montachusett TV, Digital Lab, and funding from EDIC are major issues for me. Tctv is unfocused, scrambling for funds and has lost its primary purpose, to present Templeton taxpayers with remote access to meetings.
    Now they are scrambling for money while failing taxpayers.

    This is Mike Currie and Adam limiting transparency cause it exposes the failures they constantly commit.

    Fire our entire Administration, and we'd be better off!

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    TCTV needs funding to continue functioning. It is the only way for them to continue bringing the Community the information they need. Yes, Templeton's Town Administrator has been content letting the Light and Water Departments, and others have their meetings in private. This is not new. These meeting have never been recorded. Until the Town of Templeton funds their own Department, other sources have to be found. Steve Castle has run this department with little help for years. We have a choice, fund this department and have coverage or have nothing at all.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      TCTV is funded. Now they need to record ALL public meetings.

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Think back over the years, the amount of work TCTV has done independently, is amazing considering they have had little or no help. Along with that, they have had very little support, or a stable place to call a workplace. It is really embarrassing considering when you are a older resident TCTV provides so much valuable information to residents. TCTV is a victim of our Town Administrator's lack of support ! If we, as patrons of TCTV lose this service, without a daily newspaper we have nothing. The Town Administrator is responsible for this !

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I think the town could definitely use the funds that support this joke the call tctv and funnel it towards something worth while like pubic safety maybe? Tctv is a drain on this town. We do not need it. We need funding for public safety, Dpw! Waste of taxpayers money

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Tctv is very valuable, Police are overstuffed and fire is a joke, expensive, overpriced joke

  6. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Ok I’m sure tctv will be there when you need emergency services. Oh wait they can broadcast it on that useless weekly news cast with those two clowns that embarrass Templeton on a weekly basis! Waste of taxpayers money! Wake up, time for the tctv show to pack up and leave town! We have wasted enough time and resources on that useless department. No value added dept! They have done nothing to bring business into town! They talk the talk but nothing! All they do is want! Oh poor us, we are homeless, so they take over scout hall! Why??? Again for what? A fancy new place paid for by us the taxpayers so they can broadcast useless news???? Come on!!! Time to wake up!

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    So, public broadcast of public meetings is not important. You must like public corruption. Your probably on the receiving end of corruption and worried about exposure.

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    They are important. But ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS should be broadcast. Oh wait only broadcast the ones that tctv wants to do. I forgot it’s all about tctv. And remember where you live? Long before tctv broadcasted meetings corruption and failure to follow policies and bylaws was happening! So the town administration had definitely screwed up a lot of this in Templeton but if he sees that tctv is a drain of funds and needs to funnel them to things that are value added then good job Adam!!! Thank god Jeff is back on the BOS. He is the only one that is bringing all this to the table and getting shit done! Didn’t need tctv for him do the right thing for Templeton!

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Yes, you actually do need tctv for what Jeff has done and is doing. Not all meetings are televised, blame the Selectboard and Adam. They control budget, committees ect.
    Adam and Mike Currie love to limit access. Mike wanted the fake EDIC to be unrecorded. Recreation moved meetings to senior center, cemetery, etc all run from recordings, why?

    How many corrections to m8nutes have been made after reviewing tctv? How many OMLviolations have been proven with help of video?

    Tctv is vital! MTV, data lab, advertising and eco development should not be a part of tctv, period!

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I saw TCTV participating in recording some economic development BS in Orange. Why does Templeton foot the bill for Orange?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Templeton should not foot the bill for Orange. Orange should pay for the service. Templeton's needs should come first.

  11. Anonymous9:13 PM

    That's probably part of the montechusett TV malarkey. They are expanding to get funding to exist. My problem is they are expanding into a collapsing venue.....trying to say it's for Economic Developement is nuts.......

    Templeton should really try and maintain a bedroom community position an not push for more polluted (by industry) land.Stop trying to be more than what is obvious to big business. We are a corrupt little den of incompetence
    Our Selectboard is a joke. Our Administration is lacking in many areas..

    The only ones attending town meeting are retired and fearful of declining services as they will need them.They think more means better service, which the last few years show us is a fallacy.
