Saturday, April 20, 2024

 Strange, or maybe not.

According to Templeton financial management policy:
Policy: The Town Accountant shall produce and distribute monthly budget-to-actual reporting to evaluate the Town’s financial position per Massachusetts state law. These reports shall be submitted to the Board, user agencies, Town Administrator, and Advisory Committee, among others. This will enable the Town to take prompt management action in the event that fiscal problems are indicated or adjust spending behavior to meet financial challenges. The Town's Financial Team (Accountant, Treasurer/Collector, Principal Assessor) shall make a formal public presentation to the Board and the status of accounts, their activities, and concerns over negative trends each month following the ending of a fiscal year quarter together with any steps recommended by the Town Administrator to deal with such negative trends.
So, as a member of Templeton advisory committee, I would expect to receive the monthly report when it is received in the office of selectmen, and seeing how it is on the agenda of the selectmen meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. I have yet to receive a copy, so there is another example of failure to follow policy by office of selectmen and town administrator.


  1. Jeff,

    Are you not also running for Selectman which I believe entitles you to the receive the agenda along with the Selectman now...........that was the case with others, but maybe they figure you usually know more about it them they do anyway, so......

    Look at the items on the agenda that have no documentation, why?

    Dog Hearing
    Town administrator review ( same issue last time)
    Advisory application for new member.

    Do they have anything in common, hmmm?

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Unrelated question/comment, What is more inscrutable? The Sphinx or the Templeton Town Hall Office Hours?

  3. Anon - both can be mysteries

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Wait until they think of this down at The Ritter.

  5. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Wow. That’s ridiculous. I see there are many things that policy is not followed. Are we really using cash we should not be this year to balalnce the budget?? I need to know. Diane
