Thursday, April 18, 2024

 from November 2023 special town meeting. ARTICLE 1: PAYMENT OF LATE BILLS

To see if the Town will vote to authorize the payment of late bills from prior fiscal years from the FY
2023 budgets of the following departments in the following amounts:
Building & Grounds $5,896
And to meet said appropriation by a transfer of said sum from certified free cash,
Or take any other action related thereto.
Submitted by the Select Board
9/10ths Vote Required
A motion was duly made and seconded that the Town voted to authorize the payment of late bills from
prior fiscal years from the FY 2023 budgets of the following departments in the following amounts:
Building & Grounds $5,896
And to meet said appropriation by a transfer of said sum from certified free cash.
Defeated by hand count-Y-47, N-7/November 15th @ 6:33

Now :
May 15, 2024 Templeton annual town meeting.
Article 1: payment of late bills, building and grounds - $5,896.00, to be paid from certified free cash. (covering general fund budget with one time money????)
November 2023, Templeton special town meeting was asked this same question, they voted no. At that meeting, a 9/10 vote was required but at annual town meeting, 4/5 vote required. I hope town meeting will tell selectmen NO once again!

What part of NO do the selectmen not understand?


  1. How much of this bill evolved from an agreement made without the consent, input or knowledge of the taxpayer by employees about department expensing.

    I also thought that it was a step to taking away every last excuse the Light and Water department could relay to town as a means to avoid paying the town a yearly, net revenue based fee.

  2. It appears our Capital Program is dependent on $16,730 from TMLWP subject to the L & W Commissioners approval.

    Watch this! Anyone want to bet that if Town Meeting refuses to pay the improper late bill from TLWD then because we get no real "Pilot" cause the "Department" refuses to comply. We now pay them 100% of what they said was our costs per year, but they still demand oversite over the Town that allows them to exist, really?

    This mess has been supported by outgoing Selectboard member Richards (why?) Similar to the fiasco still being pushed regarding the building in Templeton center that used to house that notorious child molesting group like the Catholic Church, but different. .you know, the Boy Scouts of America who just recently was found liable for 80,000 abuse cases and has a $2.9 Billion dollar judgement pending against them.

    We just spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to update a historical building of child abuse. 1991 verified case in Templeton identified abuser as 2493. Goggle it.

    Since the Boy Scouts are not willing to sell certain property to pay victims it is being said in legal circles that going after "non protected - in bankruptcy" entities which supported them may be targets to collect costs........ they mention churches, Halls, etc that supported the organization.

    I'm concerned we may have just remodeled a future court case.

    Nevermind that as a Taxpayer owned Town building it was suppose to house tctv, visitors center and be available for scouts. Now thanks to Ms Richards and her drive to bypass all regulations, bylaws, and procedure when she alone, without authority brought this farce to the CPC for funding in ??? maybe 2016. 8 -9 years later we still do not have an agreed upon plan that satisfies the original structures funding purpose.
    Instead Ms Richards proposes setting up the entire building for use by a Private Organization with a history of child abuse and allowing tctv a corner to hide in behind the curtain.


    Sorry for the rant, but crap is a waste of money, time, energy when we have so much else to fix.

  3. Now we have $5896 late bill presented at Town meeting,
    We have Commissioners Salary
    We also have a Capital items depending on $16,000+ from TLWD ( if TLWD Commissioners agree)

    Anyone want to bet if we dont pay the BS late Bill they'll pull the "promised Funding" like they have done before.

    Yes, our Town has a real Math issue, but the Light company needs to realize who is who. The Town Hall well, no confidence overall, but we do have some really good folks and some major clowns particularly in the elected class or close radius
