Saturday, December 3, 2022

 Unfinished, not started Templeton projects,

from October 2022 expenditure report from the accountant.
2019 - recreation - Gilman Waite / $10,000.00.
2019 - building/grounds - senior center / $19,581.00.
2020 - building/grounds - town hall cameras / $3,000.00
2020 - DPW - Main Street bridge / $148,700.00
2021 - DPW - Royalston Road title work / $15,448.00
2021 - select board - NRSD regional agreement / $9,395.00.
2023 -DPW - Improve GW building / $15,000.00.
2023 - DPW - street signs / $7,500.00.
December 31, 2022 will be end of 2nd quarter, so department quarterly reports should happen at a selectmen meeting in January, these and other things demand explanation and estimation of completion, if project is actually planned to be completed. 2019, 2020, 2021 monies will probably not do what was presented at the time due to increase in costs and a dollar buying less today than it would have back in 2019. (thanks joe biden)


  1. How about we add :

    Scout Hall 2019- $45,3383 (additiion same project ATM 2016 $50,000)
    Stone Bridge STM 2019 $34,000
    Stone Bridge STM 2020- $49,337.21
    Affordable Housing trust fund ATM 2020- $17,500
    Boynton Library ATM 2018- $70,000

    Then lets look at the $245,000 unbudgeted we need to finish the Police Station that started out as a $975,000 project ad will end closer to 3 million.........Templeton management, yehaw!

    We are into Scout Hall for 70k and we just found lead, 6 years into the project.......lmao.

    Stone bridge has been sitting for years without squat for complaints and we are going to dump how much into it for what reason?

    Oh and not mention the failing dam holding back water (depot pond) from flooding out fire and emergency services in Baldwinville...........we are in great shape

    1. I wouldn't know for sure, because I'm too old but this sounds a lot like a bad acid trip from the 70's.

  2. I'm really waiting for the wage and compensation package and additional staffing to show up in the work being done. So far I only see a difference in the budget.
    Management hasn't missed giving out a raise, maybe cause its hard to tell folks you can't pay them more when your making 50% more pretending to do yours.............

  3. What about:
    The infill development bylaw that was recommended ???
    Diversity training ???
    Trailhead signage ??
    All of the abandoned houses ??
    The Templeton Mall property ??
    The 2012 tomb restoration $8k ??
    The forestry area that the library owns?

    So much needs to get done in this town.

    Citizens need to hold the people responsible accountable, and there needs to be some sort of transparency. What are the obstacles that are delaying projects??

  4. I made a (non-comprehensive) spreadsheet in May 2021 of past projects:
