Saturday, December 3, 2022

 The average salary for a Templeton highway employee (laborer/operator) is around $45,500.00 plus on average 27 - 30 thousand dollars per employee for benefits.

Also, funds in budget for each employee:
$300.00 for boots, $200.0 for glasses, $125.00 for jacket, $100.00 for DOT physicals, $75.00 drug testing, Tee shirts (5 each @ $12.50 per shirt).
Town of Templeton pays 75% of the costs for health insurance for each covered employee.
All of this information is listed in a budget book and is part of the cost of maintaining roads, parks, etc. All of this is paid before any money is allotted to repair roads. Roads are public safety number 1 because everyone drives on the roads, residents, police, fire, ambulance and if the roads are unsafe, that affects everyone, if the roads are not plowed, no ambulance is getting thru.
Hopefully this year, each town employees pay will be included in the annual town report, as it should be.

1 comment:

  1. They also, each, can earn a share of the budgeted $60,000 in snow and ice overtime.
